Appleby’s Nicola Bruce to appear on Citywealth panel
Appleby Bermuda partner Nicola Bruce will be among the featured speakers at the second annual Citywealth Forum next month in London.
Ms Bruce, who works in the Private Client and Trusts department at …
Appleby announced that Nicola Bruce, a leading private client lawyer in trust law and trust litigation, recently joined the Bermuda office as Partner. A spokesperson said, “Nicola has a wealth of experience in offshore private client work, including many years practicing in Bermuda. She has acted for some of the world’s…
Kendaree Burgess, chief operating officer of the Bermuda Business Development Agency, is to appear on a panel at the Citywealth Forum in London in May. Citywealth is an award-winning media and events ...
Caljonah Smith and Khiyara Krige have been promoted to counsel in the Bermuda office of international law firm Appleby. Ms Smith works in the firm’s private client and trusts team, and Ms Krige is in ...