Premier Burt Congratulates New Owners of Cambridge Beaches

Premier the Hon. David Burt, JP.MP  today congratulated the new owners of historic Cambridge Beaches. Premier Burt stated:  “This is an exciting development and further sets the stage for the recovery we need to see in tourism for Bermuda. It is incredibly encouraging news that this iconic property will benefit from upgraded rooms and enhanced amenities. A new and refreshed hotel product is a vital part of the equation for success in presenting a Bermuda vacation to our visitor market.”

Premier Burt Congratulates New Owners of Cambridge Beaches Read More

COVID-19 Update 1 May 2021

The Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP today, advised that Bermuda has experienced another COVID-19 related death today. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in Bermuda to 29.

“I am deeply saddened to report another COVID-19 related death. I wish to extend my heartfelt condolences to the grieving family and friends. They are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.”

COVID-19 Update 1 May 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 30 April 2021

“Sadly, we have one more COVID related death to report today,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “My sincere condolences to their family and loved ones.”

The Ministry of Health received 777 test results since the last update, and 11 were positive for coronavirus, yielding a test positivity rate of 1.4%.

Four of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases.

COVID-19 Daily Release 30 April 2021 Read More

Culture in Your Yard’ activity aims to engage the community while at home

Bermuda, how many plants can you identify in your neighbourhood that can be used for herbal remedies? 

That’s the question the Department of Culture is asking the public as it introduces ‘Culture in Your Yard’ – the latest series in the ‘Culture@Home’ initiative. 

This week highlights local author Dr. Kuni Frith and her popular book, “Bermudian Folk Remedies-Using Medical Botanicals for Common Ailments”.

Culture in Your Yard’ activity aims to engage the community while at home Read More

Statement from the Ministry of Finance: Bermuda Government committed to Transparency and Regulatory Excellence

Bermuda has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to transparency and regulatory excellence over the years to build a reputation as a good place to do quality business. Considerable time and resources have been, and continue to be, invested in developing and implementing strong and robust legislative and operational frameworks to ensure compliance with international requirements.    

Statement from the Ministry of Finance: Bermuda Government committed to Transparency and Regulatory Excellence Read More

Department of Immigration Proceeding With Planned Deportations

Regarding the deportation of Brittonie Taylor, this matter is currently before the Courts, and the Government will limit its public comments to ensure this matter is not prejudiced.

As a standard operational procedure, when it is: i) more economical; ii) logistically appropriate; or iii) a specific security threat, the Department of Immigration will utilise a portion of its appropriated budget for deportations to engage a private jet, as has been done in the past.

Department of Immigration Proceeding With Planned Deportations Read More

Revision to Work Permit Policy: Closed Job Categories (3 Month Extension)

The Ministry of Labour seeks to inform the public of the three month extension of the closed job categories.

Due to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bermuda and its impact on persons unable to work, the Department of Immigration wishes to advise the public that the moratorium on issuing new Work Permits for the below Closed Categories per section 3.6 of the currently published Work Permit Policy has been extended an additional three (3) months until July 31, 2021.  

Revision to Work Permit Policy: Closed Job Categories (3 Month Extension) Read More

Holistic Wellness Community Chat 

The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors will host an online panel discussion entitled “Holistic Wellness, Community Chat” on Thursday, April 29 at 5:00 p.m. live on Facebook, YouTube, CITV and Bernews.

Minister of Social Development and Seniors, the Hon. Tinee Furbert, JP, MP said, “As a follow-up to our collaboration in March with professionals who work with persons with Dementia-related conditions, we received requests from caregivers and families to hold information sessions to discuss holistic health and well-being.” 

Holistic Wellness Community Chat  Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 28 April 2021

The Ministry of Health received 1260 test results since the last update, and 12 were positive for coronavirus, yielding a test positivity rate of 1.0 %.

Seven of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases.

The additional five new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.

Additionally, since the last update, there were 31 recoveries and no deaths.

COVID-19 Daily Release 28 April 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health’s Remarks 27 April 2021

Thank you Premier. Good afternoon everyone.

I begin my remarks today by offering sincere condolences to everyone who has lost a family member, a friend, a neighbour or a colleague in circumstances related to the coronavirus. Recently we have had a number of deaths, and my heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one during this pandemic.

On behalf of the Government of Bermuda, I am so very sorry for your loss. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, as well as those currently in the hospital with COVID-19 related illness.

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health’s Remarks 27 April 2021 Read More

Payment Made for Airport Agreement

The Minister of Transport, the Hon. Lawrence Scott JP, MP, confirmed that the payment made to the Airport was made as per the terms and conditions outlined in the Project Agreement. 

The Minister stated, “The Ministry is presented with an invoice every quarter to pay, and we have no option other than to pay it. If we do not pay the invoice, the country would have defaulted on their obligation under the agreement. That is not how we operate at the Ministry of Transport. 

Payment Made for Airport Agreement Read More

Updated Bus Schedule

The Public is advised of updates to the current bus schedule.

Buses will continue to follow the Sunday schedule 7 days a week.

There are a number of additional morning and evening runs listed below that will operate from Monday to Saturday only.  

(For further reference, please see the below)

Additional Runs – Monday to Saturday

Route 1

  • 7:15 am Central Terminal to Grotto Bay

  • 8:00 am Grotto Bay to Central Terminal

Updated Bus Schedule Read More

Further Reduction of Services Due to COVID-19 – 26 April 2021

This Practice Direction is issued further to Circular 4 of 2021.

The health, safety and welfare of the Members of the Public, as well as Court Administrative Staff continues to be our paramount concern.

The continued surge of positive COVID-19 test results the island is experiencing continues to be of great concern to the community. As such, the Courts must reduce services further as part of protective measures which are necessary to implement in order to assist in the efforts to reduce the community spread of COVID-19.

Further Reduction of Services Due to COVID-19 – 26 April 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 23 April 2021

The Ministry of Health received 1179 test results since the last update, and 31 were positive for coronavirus, yielding a test positivity rate of 2.6 %.

15 of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases. The additional 16 new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.

Additionally, since the last update, there were 93 recoveries, and there were no deaths.

COVID-19 Daily Release 23 April 2021 Read More

Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport: Parish Councils

The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport advised that it has been meeting with Parish Councils with the goal of granting them greater autonomy. 

The Ministry has formed a Working Group with representatives from all Parish Councils to develop a roadmap to assist the Councils in operating as independent entities.

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Dr. the Hon. Ernest Peets said, “I am grateful to the Working Group participants for their time and commitment to the community.

Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport: Parish Councils Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 22 April 2021

“I am extremely sorry to report that Bermuda has recorded an additional COVID-19 related death,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “This is distressing news, and my heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and friends who are now grieving the loss of their loved one.”

The Ministry of Health received 1570 test results since the last update, and 23 were positive for coronavirus, yielding a test positivity rate of 1.5 %.

COVID-19 Daily Release 22 April 2021 Read More

Hamilton Ferry Terminal Building Remains Closed – Ferries are Running

The public is advised that the Hamilton Ferry Terminal building will remain closed until further notice, but ferry service from the Hamilton Ferry Terminal is running.

Regular ferry service is currently in operation until Wednesday, April 28 with the exception of the routes listed below which will not be in service:

Green Route: 

6:40pm Hamilton departure only

6:20pm departing Hamilton 

Pink Route:

6:20pm departing Hamilton

7:00pm departing Hamilton

Hamilton Ferry Terminal Building Remains Closed – Ferries are Running Read More

Department of Education Update

The Department of Education is advising parents that this week Friday, April 23rd, 2021, all schools will be closed and will resume with remote learning on Monday, April 26th, 2021.

While the Department is mindful of the disruption that the Coronavirus Pandemic has had on the school year, and on learning for children, it was hoped that this Friday could be used to make up previously lost days. The Bermuda Union of Teachers respectfully declined our request.  As a result, Friday’s school holiday will go ahead as scheduled.

Department of Education Update Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 21 April 2021

“It is with sadness that I must announce yet another two more individuals have passed away with COVID-19 related illness. The sad news of two more deaths related to COVID-19 is a reminder of how serious this virus is and that our battle with the coronavirus is far from over,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “My sincere thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families and friends who have to deal with the unfortunate death of a loved one.”

COVID-19 Daily Release 21 April 2021 Read More

Government of Bermuda – Protecting the Environment

The Cabinet Office today announced, in 2016, many nations across the world entered into the Paris Agreement, pledging to work together to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Agreement provides a pathway for sovereign nations to work together on climate mitigation and adaptation efforts while encouraging participants to increase their commitments over time.

Government of Bermuda – Protecting the Environment Read More

Local Artists and Creatives to be Showcased Virtually

Joy T. Barnum to host At Home Concert

Today the Department of Culture announced the launch of ‘Culture@Home‘, an initiative which will showcase a series of virtual performances and online activities aimed at providing a bit of upliftment for the community during these challenging times.

One of the upcoming featured events is an at-home virtual concert by popular local singer Joy T. Barnum. 

Local Artists and Creatives to be Showcased Virtually Read More

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health’s Remarks 20 April 2021

Good evening.

The Ministry of Health received 578 test results since the last update, and 12 were positive for coronavirus. This gives a test positivity rate of 2.1%.

One of the new cases is classified as imported by a resident who arrived on American Airlines AA 2044 from Charlotte on 18 April  2021 and tested positive on their arrival test.

Three of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as associated with known cases.

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health’s Remarks 20 April 2021 Read More