COVID-19 Daily Release 26 May 2021
The Ministry of Health received 1712 test results since the last update, and one (1) was positive for coronavirus. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.1%. The new case is classified as imported by a resident who arrived on Jet Blue B61731 from New York on 20 May 2021 and tested positive on their day four test.
Additionally, since the last update, there were seven recoveries and no deaths.
There are currently 36 active cases, of which;
• 34 are under public health monitoring and;
• Two (2) are in the hospital, with one (1) in intensive care.
Bermuda Day Showcase Open to Wider Community
The Department of Culture is pleased to advise that following the initial allocation to essential workers, the Bermuda Day Showcase registration is now open to the wider community and general public.
For a free ticket to the Bermuda Day Showcase, members of the public can visit
Southlands Community Gardens Launch
Good Afternoon,
To “Promote and develop community gardens that can assist in meeting the needs of the less fortunate in our community.”
This is an excerpt from the 2017 Progressive Labour Party Election Platform regarding community gardens.
I am joined today by Ms. Jameka Smith (Acting Park Planner), Mr. Stephen Furbert (Senior Superintendent) and the Volunteer Community Garden Manager for this newest community garden, Southlands Park Community Garden, Ms. Belinda Cameron.
Signature Schools Update (Berkeley and Cedarbridge)
The Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP, has released a further significant step forward in Education Reform in Bermuda.
Minister Rabain said, “I am pleased to announce the determination of Signature Learning Programmes for our first two signature schools.”
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 2021
The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 2021 (the “Act”) is undoubtedly a significant advancement for the rights of workers and significantly strengthens the rights of Unions in the workplace. The Act also adds several new provisions which will optimise and improve labour relations.
High Demand Spectrum Notice
Bermuda Day Bus Schedule
The Department of Public Transportation wishes to advise the public that bus service will begin at 10:30 am on Bermuda Day, Friday, May 28, 2021, on the holiday schedule.
Due to the Half Marathon Races, the following detours will be observed from 10:30 am until the barricades are removed by the Bermuda Police Service:
Tree Planted in Honour of Kenneth Richardson
To honour the late Kenneth A. Richardson CVO, CBE, JP, Bermuda’s first Black Secretary to the Cabinet, yesterday, Premier the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, and the Richardson family represented by Mr. K. Andrew Richardson and Ms. Tammy Richardson-Augustus (Mr. Richardson’s son and daughter) planted a Bermuda cedar tree on the grounds of the Cabinet Building. Mr Richardson served as Cabinet Secretary from 1984 to 1993.
Updated Summer Day Camp Registration Link
Parents are reminded that registration for Government’s annual Summer Day Camp starts tomorrow morning (May 26) at 9.30 a.m.
Interested individuals who wish to sign their children up for this year’s camp can visit .
An important note – the link does not go live until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.
This year’s summer camp starts July 5.
The cost is $60 per week.
Children aged 4 – 14 years-old will be accommodated.
Updated Regulations for the COVID-19 SafeKey
On Monday evening, May 24th, Her Excellency the Governor Rena Lalgie signed the amendments to the Public Health (COVID-19 Emergency Powers) (Phased Re-Opening) Regulations 2021. These changes will enable indoor dining to be opened for licensed restaurants if the licensed restaurant verifies that all patrons have a SafeKey.
Bermuda Sends Vaccine Aid to Trinidad and Tobago
“We must help where we can,” said Premier David Burt, JP, MP, today confirming that 9,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine were dispatched to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago today.
COVID-19 Daily Release 24 May 2021
The Ministry of Health received 3665 test results since the last update, and two (2) were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 0.05%. These results are from testing done on Thursday (1 positive out of 1392 results (0.1% positivity)), Friday (1 positive out of 1224 results (0.1% positivity)) and Saturday (0 positive out of 1048 results (0.0% positivity)).
Ministry of Finance Update 24 May 2021
Good afternoon.
For more than a year now we have been in an intense battle with the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of this destructive virus, countries including Bermuda, have faced unprecedented health and economic challenges.
Bermuda Government and BPSU Reach Agreement on the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 2021
The Minister of Labour, the Hon Jason Hayward, JP, MP, said, “I am pleased to report that after discussion with representatives with the Bermuda Public Services Union (BPSU) held today, the parties have reached a mutual understanding, with the BPSU indicating to the Government that they support the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 2021 (“the Act”), and are no longer pursuing amendments to the legislation related to the decertification process.
Ministerial Statement: Hurricane Season 2021 / Hurricane Preparedness
Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning to remind this Honourable House that we are about to enter Hurricane Season which runs from June 1st until November 30th.
Close to Home Mobile Vaccination Programme Update
Today the Close to Home Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Programme was located at Transport Control Department (TCD) on North Street, Hamilton. A total of 401 doses were administered between 10am and 2pm.
There were 240 first doses and 161 second doses administered. This is, by far, the largest number of people to participate in the programme in one day. 1,723 people have gotten a first and second shot of the vaccine through the mobile programme.
Arrival of Viking Orion in Bermuda Waters
Today’s arrival of Viking Cruises “Orion” signals the beginning of home-porting for Bermuda. Acting Minister of Transport, the Hon. Walter Roban said: “The sight of a cruise ship returning to our shores brings with it the promise of much needed economic activity. Many sectors depend on business from cruise passengers and crew and through the successful realization of homeporting for Bermuda, the Government has taken another important step to get Bermudians back to work.”
Arrival of Viking Orion in Bermuda Waters
Today’s arrival of Viking Cruises “Orion” signals the beginning of home-porting for Bermuda. Acting Minister of Transport, the Hon. Walter Roban said: “The sight of a cruise ship returning to our shores brings with it the promise of much needed economic activity. Many sectors depend on business from cruise passengers and crew and through the successful realization of homeporting for Bermuda, the Government has taken another important step to get Bermudians back to work.”
Bermuda Day Showcase – May 28
~ Essential workers and a guest invited to register for event May 24 ~
~ Showcase to be live streamed for the public ~
Today the Department of Culture provided an update on the Bermuda Day Showcase, which is scheduled to take place May 28, at the National Stadium.
As the public is aware, due to the need for safety, the planned celebrations for this year’s Bermuda Day and Heritage Month activities, have been “re-imagined” in keeping with the current health guidance in place.
COVID-19 Daily Release 21 May 2021
The Ministry of Health received 1029 test results since the last update, and five were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 0.5%
Two of the new cases are classified as imported. The first case is a resident who arrived on Delta Airline DL 584 from Atlanta on 15 May 2021 and tested positive on their day 4 test. The second case is a resident who arrived on Jet Blue B6203 from Boston on 15 May 2021 and tested positive on their day 4 test.
Two of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases.
Ministerial Statement: The Wage Commission Report 2021
Mr. Speaker,
I rise today to lay before this Honourable House the report entitled, Recommendations for A Minimum Wage in Bermuda.
Mr. Speaker,
Ministerial Statement: Saliva Screening Programme
Mr Speaker,
This morning I rise before you and my Honorable colleagues to share the plans that have been put in place to implement a Saliva Screening Regime Programme in our public schools, commencing Monday, May 24th.
Mr Speaker,
Having students in school for in-person learning is a priority. Additionally, ensuring that our schools and school environments are safe for staff and students is equally important. In light of this, school staff are working diligently to keep COVID-19 from spreading in school buildings.
Bermuda’s Bees and the MIT Programme- Minister of Home Affairs Remarks
As many of you will know, for a while now I have had an interest in beekeeping and the important role bees have in our environment. So, it should come as no surprise that the current work being undertaken with Bermuda’s bees and beeswax in association with the MIT programme has had a deep interest for me. Today, I want to share some current facts with you and highlight some of the challenges facing our bee population today.
Bermuda has had a long history with the honeybee, with some of the earliest records indicating that the first honey bees arrived in Bermuda in the early1600s.
Summer Day Camp Registration
The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sports, Dr. Ernest Peets confirmed that Government will be facilitating its 50th annual Summer Day Camp Programme starting July 5.
Vision of the Seas- Royal Caribbean
Minister of Transport, the Hon. W. Lawrence Scott JP, MP announced today, May 20, 2021:
“You may be aware that the US CDC made a public announcement that cruise ships will soon be able to resume sailing in US jurisdictional waters, under a conditional sail order, providing each ship meets certain CDC COVID-19 regulations and recommended operational protocols. The restart of this service will depend on the cruise lines’ ability to get ships ready for service and their compliance with the CDC’s guidance.
Government of Bermuda London Office Website is Redeveloped
The Government of Bermuda London Office wishes to advise the public of the redevelopment of their website and encourage all Bermudians in the United Kingdom and Europe to register with the office via:
Unemployment Benefits Update
Today, the Minister of Finance, the Hon Curtis L. Dickinson, JP, MP, is providing an update on the Unemployment Benefit support.
“From December of 2020 through May 17, 2021, approximately 4,400 applications for unemployment benefit support have been approved by the Government of Bermuda, and over 4,100 individuals have received benefits totalling $5.1 million,” said Minister Dickinson.
COVID-19 Daily Release 19 May 2021
The Ministry of Health received 1267 test results since the last update, and none were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 0.0%. Additionally, since the last update, there were 25 recoveries and no deaths.
There are 111 active cases, of which:
· 105 are under public health monitoring and
· 6 are in hospital, with 2 in intensive care;
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 2479 confirmed cases of coronavirus, out of which a total of 2336 have recovered, and sadly 32 COVID related deaths.
Homeporting and the Bermuda Tour Boat Association
Good Afernoon to all members of the media.
I am pleased to announce today that the Viking Cruise Ship Orion arrives in Bermuda’s waters this Friday, 21 May, two days ahead of the scheduled arrival of 23 May, and will remain at anchor in Great Sound for 6 days to complete its 14 day quarantine period.
Viking will arrive with a crew of 460 and intends to sail with a reduced capacity of 50% on their first cruise. We want to assure the public that the COVID testing protocol onboard Viking is the most superior compared to any other cruise line.
COVID-19 Update – Premier’s Remarks 18 May 2021
Good evening Bermuda.
It was Malcolm X who said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today”. In my National Address on April 25 I outlined how we will move beyond the pandemic and into a future where restrictions are ended and our lives here in Bermuda return to normal.
To prepare for that future and ultimately to get there, requires us to work together to eliminate local transmission of the coronavirus, maintain strong protections at our border to keep dangerous variants out, and continue to progress with our vaccination programme.
COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health Remarks 18 May 2021
Thank you, Premier, good evening everyone.
The Ministry of Health received 858 test results since the last update, and two (2) were positive for coronavirus. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.2%.
Both of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases.
Additionally, since the last update, there were 37 recoveries and no deaths.
There are currently 136 active cases, of which;
· 127 are under public health monitoring and;
New Company Registry System
The Registrar of Companies is launching the first phase of its new online company registry system on June 7, 2021. This new online registry will allow the public to view all corporate registers maintained by the Registrar of Companies. Statutory filings and applications can also be made online.
Heritage Month: Creatives Live! featuring the Tino Martinez Quintet
~ Public encouraged to support local talent at safely distanced midday concert ~
This Saturday, (May 22), the Department of Culture will once again host the popular Creatives Live! concert series, featuring the Tino Martinez Quintet on the City Hall steps.
The midday musical event which showcases and supports Bermuda’s talented artists – is part of the Heritage Month line up of activities.
Previous Creatives Live! performances included The Unit Band and local singers Joy T. Barnum and Olivia Hamilton among others.
COVID-19 Daily Release 17 May 2021
The Ministry of Health received 3359 test results since the last update, and 11 were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 0.3%. These results are from testing done on Thursday (2 positive out of 1160 results (0.2% positivity)), Friday (9 positive out of 1214 results (0.7% positivity)) and Saturday (0 positive out of 985 results (0.0% positivity)).
Eight of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases.