COVID-19 Update Daily Release 16 December 2020

Good evening.

There were 1208 test results received by the Ministry of Health since the last update and 18 were positive for COVID-19. 

Two of the new cases are classified as imported, testing positive on their arrival test,  having arrived on DL 584 from Atlanta on 14 December 2020, and both having negative pre-arrival tests

Two of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact/source as associated with known cases/clusters.

COVID-19 Update Daily Release 16 December 2020 Read More

Ministry of Finance Update 16 December

Good afternoon.

Thank you for joining us today.

Bermuda certainly has seen our challenges recently with the increase in the number of positive cases of COVID-19. I would like to commend the team at the Ministry of Health and all of their stakeholder partners and front line workers for the significant work they are doing to stop the spread of the coronavirus here, and keep this island safe.

In my remarks today, I will cover three areas. They are as follows:

·         The Government’s new Unemployment Benefit;

Ministry of Finance Update 16 December Read More

Ministry of Labour Updates 16 December

Good day to members of the media and the listening public. 

I am joined here today by the Minister of Finance and Erica Smith, Executive Director of the BEDC.


In today’s press conference I will provide an update on two (2) areas:

  1. Work From Bermuda Statistics and Renewals for the 2nd Year;
  2. Department of Workforce Development Programme Updates. 

1. Work From Bermuda Statistics and Renewals for the 2nd Year

Ministry of Labour Updates 16 December Read More

Road Sobriety Checkpoint (No. 9) Notice 2020

The Assistant Commissioner of Police, in compliance with the requirement of section 35BD(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1947, gives the following Notice: [[{“fid”:”287876″,”view_mode”:”default”,”fields”:{“format”:”default”,”filename_field[und][0][value]”:”Road Sobriety Checkpoint (No. 9) Notice 2020″},”link_text”:”Road Sobriety Checkpoint (No. 9) Notice 2020″,”type”:”media”,”field_deltas”:{“1”:{“format”:”default”,”filename_field[und][0][value]”:”Road-Sobriety-Checkpoint-No9-Notice-2020.pdf”},”2″:{“format”:”default”,”filename_field[und][0][value]”:”Road Sobriety Checkpoint (No.
Road Sobriety Checkpoint (No. 9) Notice 2020 Read More

Bermuda Road Safety Council and Bermuda Water Safety Council Press Conference

The Hon. W. Lawrence Scott, JP, MP, The Minister of Transport  


Good day members of the media and the listening public, thank you for joining us here today. 

Many of you will be familiar with the Bermuda Road Safety Council and the Bermuda Water Safety Council’s efforts over the years to raise public awareness and improve how people use and travel on Bermuda roads and waterways. Since the two organizations inception, while they have always shared similar objectives, they have always operated independently. 

Bermuda Road Safety Council and Bermuda Water Safety Council Press Conference Read More

COVID-19 Update Daily Release 15 December 2020

Good evening.

There were 1043 test results received by the Ministry of Health since the last update and 11 were positive for COVID-19. 

Three of the new cases are classified as imported, all testing positive on their arrival test, with details as follows

§  1 resident who arrived on DL 584 from Atlanta on 13 December 2020 with no pre-test

§  1 non-resident who arrived on BA 2233 from London on 13 December 2020 – *airline crew with no pre-test

§  1 resident who arrived on BA2233 from London on 13 December 2020 with a negative pre-test

COVID-19 Update Daily Release 15 December 2020 Read More

Customs Department Update – Importing Courier Packages

The Customs Department recognizes that the 2020 holiday season is an extraordinarily busy time, with residents importing courier packages from abroad in record numbers. In that regard, Customs is encouraging the public’s patience as it works to clear packages for residents and courier services.

The Department understands the public’s eagerness to have their packages cleared as swiftly and as efficiently as possible.

Customs Department Update – Importing Courier Packages Read More

COVID-19 Update – Premier’s Remarks for 14 December 2020

Good afternoon Bermuda, and welcome members of the media.

I am joined today by the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, who will be providing an update to the public on the latest from her Ministry as her and her team lead the fight against this surge of the Coronavirus on our shores. Following that I will make brief comments on what is needed from all of us in order to contain this outbreak and the steps and help that is available to persons if they may need assistance.

Minister of Health.

COVID-19 Update – Premier’s Remarks for 14 December 2020 Read More

Announcement of Education Reform Consultation

The Hon. Diallo Rabain

Good Afternoon Members of Media and the Bermudian Public. 

On Friday I provided my colleagues in Parliament with an update on the Education Reform of Bermuda’s Public Education System. 

Our education system is at a crossroads and a shift is needed. We must do things differently for our children and the future of this Island.  Change is inevitable and change is forthcoming for our public-school system. 

Announcement of Education Reform Consultation Read More

New Governor of Bermuda Sworn In

This morning (Dec. 14), Her Excellency, Ms. Rena Lalgie was sworn-in as the Governor of Bermuda during a closed event held at Government House.

Those in attendance included the Premier of Bermuda, the Hon. David Burt JP MP, the Chief Justice, the Hon Justice Narinder Hargun, JP, and the Secretary to the Cabinet, Maj Marc T. Telemaque, LVO, ED, JP, pmsc.

All necessary health guidelines and precautions were observed in the carrying out of the swearing in.

New Governor of Bermuda Sworn In Read More

COVID-19 Update – 13 December, 2020

There were 2181 test results received by the Ministry of Health since the last update and 40 were positive for COVID-19. 

One of the new cases is classified as imported – a non-resident who arrived via private jet from the United States on 10 December 2020 and tested positive on their arrival test.

Three of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact/source as associated with known cases/clusters.

COVID-19 Update – 13 December, 2020 Read More

Ministerial Statement: The Treatment of Offenders Board Report 2018-2019

Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning to introduce to the Legislature the Report of the Treatment of Offenders Board for 2018 – 2019. This report is in accordance with Section 8 (1) of the Treatment of Offenders Board Act 1979 and Rule 170 of the Correctional Rules 1980 as per 1989 Revision.

The Treatment of Offenders Board is governed by the Prison Rules 1980, The Prison Act 1979, The Prison Amendment 2013 and the Treatment of Offenders Act 1979.

Ministerial Statement: The Treatment of Offenders Board Report 2018-2019 Read More

Ministerial Statement: Annual Report Legal Aid Office 2013 – 2019

Mr. Speaker, I rise to update this Honourable House on the work of the Legal Aid Office and lay a copy of the document entitled ‘Annual Report Legal Aid Office, Fiscal period 2013 – 2019’ as submitted to the Minister by the Legal Aid Committee, in compliance with section 18 of the Legal Aid Act 1980 (“the Act”).  As the document’s title denotes, it covers the 7-year period between 1st of April 2013 and the 31st of March 2020. This brings the Committee’s statutory reporting obligations up-to-date.

Ministerial Statement: Annual Report Legal Aid Office 2013 – 2019 Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 11 December 2020

Good Afternoon,

There were 1157 test results received by the Ministry of Health yesterday (10 December), and 27 were positive for COVID-19. 

13 of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact/source as they are associated with known cases and clusters.

The remaining 14 new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no history of travel or any currently identified links to other known cases or clusters.

Bermuda now has 391 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:

COVID-19 Daily Release 11 December 2020 Read More

Unemployment Benefits, 11 December 2020

The Minister of Finance, the Hon Curtis L. Dickinson, this week authorised unemployment benefit payments to individuals whose ability to earn an income has been directly impacted by the recent measures the government has taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19. These benefit payments pertain to verified full-time employees of bars and nightclubs who have had to close due to current COVID-19 restrictions. The total benefit for these persons will be $1,000 for the two week period that these restrictions are in place.

Unemployment Benefits, 11 December 2020 Read More

Ministerial Statement: COVID 19 – The Need for Further Action

Mr. Speaker, let me firstly thank you and this Honourable House for the opportunity to make this important statement at this stage in today’s proceedings.

It was nine months ago today that the World Health Organisation declared a global pandemic and since that time we have witnessed a number of countries near and far wage war on the invisible but impactful virus that causes the disease we know all too well – COVID-19.

Ministerial Statement: COVID 19 – The Need for Further Action Read More

Ministerial Statement: A Bill entitled the “Cannabis Licensing Act 2020”

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to table the Bill entitled “Cannabis Licensing Act 2020” in this Honourable House today. This comprehensive Bill establishes the Cannabis Licensing Authority to advise and assist the Minister responsible for drug prevention in the regulation of a cannabis industry in Bermuda.

Ministerial Statement: A Bill entitled the “Cannabis Licensing Act 2020” Read More

Ministerial Statement: Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme – Progress on identifying Ocean Renewable Energy solutions

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to update this Honourable House on the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme or BOPP.

Mr. Speaker, Honourable members may be aware that in June 2019 the Government committed to developing an integrated Marine Spatial Plan for the entirety of the two hundred (200) nautical miles of Bermuda’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This includes the inshore and offshore areas. The completion date for this project is set for the end of March 2022.

Ministerial Statement: Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme – Progress on identifying Ocean Renewable Energy solutions Read More

Ministerial Statement: COVID-19 Vaccine for Bermuda

Mr Speaker

I rise today to inform this Honourable House of the preliminary plan for COVID-19 vaccination in Bermuda.

Preparations are well underway to bring COVID-19 vaccine to Bermuda and I will outline what we intend to achieve in the first rollout of the vaccine and how we will include the entire health system in our efforts to offer the vaccine to immunize Bermuda’s population against COVID-19.

Mr Speaker

Ministerial Statement: COVID-19 Vaccine for Bermuda Read More

Ministerial Statement: Department of Financial Assistance Annual Report 2018 – 2020

Mr. Speaker, 

This morning I rise to lay the 2018 – 2020 Annual Report of the Department of Financial Assistance (DFA) as prescribed by the Financial Assistance Act 2001, Section 3(4) which states: “the Director shall as soon as practicable after the end of the Government’s financial year make to the Minister and publish in such manner as he thinks appropriate a report of his activities under this Act for that year.” 

Mr. Speaker, 

Ministerial Statement: Department of Financial Assistance Annual Report 2018 – 2020 Read More

Ministry of Education – West Pembroke Primary School Update 10 December 2020

The Hon. Diallo Rabain

Based on an updated risk assessment and in response to potential exposure to COVID19 by the Ministry of Health, the Chief Medical Officer has today directed that all West Pembroke P1 and P2 students and associated teachers be quarantined for 14 days. This means that they must stay home from school and other activities, for 14 days from 4th December 2020 until and including 18th December 2020 in response to potential exposure to COVID-19.

Ministry of Education – West Pembroke Primary School Update 10 December 2020 Read More

Employment and Labour Legislative Amendments, 10 December 2020

I would like to take this opportunity to remind the public of the tabling of two critical pieces of legislation:

  • The Employment Amendment Act 2020; and
  • The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 2020.

The public will know what the overarching aim of the Ministry of Labour is the expansion of jobs within Bermuda.  The Government previously announced that it would introduce amendments to the Employment Act and a consolidated Labour Act.

Employment and Labour Legislative Amendments, 10 December 2020 Read More

COVID-19 Daily Release 10 December 2020

Good Day Members of the Media, 

There were 1239 test results received by the Ministry of Health yesterday (9 December 2020), and 24 were positive for COVID-19. 

14 of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact/source as associated with known cases or clusters.

The remaining 10  new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no history of travel or any currently identified links to other known cases or clusters.

Bermuda now has 364 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:

COVID-19 Daily Release 10 December 2020 Read More