Bermuda’s Shipwrecks and Ocean Environment Featured Internationally During COVID-19 Restrictions
Several shipwreck related documentaries produced by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, in conjunction with Dr. Philippe Rouja and his team, have been featured on well-known international media channels and programmes.
Dr. Rouja – who is the Principal Scientist for Marine Heritage and Ocean Human Health as well as Bermuda’s Custodian of Historic Wrecks – is delighted with the positive media exposure.
International Equal Pay Day
Bermuda is pleased to join the rest of the world in celebrating the first International Equal Pay Day, where we strive for change in the workplace by highlighting unjust practices and take the necessary steps to ensure equal pay for equal work.
Minister Ming Hurricane Teddy Update September 18
The Minister of National Security, the Hon. Renee Ming will chair an Emergency Measures Organisation (EMO) today (Sept. 18) to get the latest update on hurricane Teddy.
Hurricane Teddy is currently a threat to the island, and the Bermuda Weather Service (BWS) indicates that Teddy is expected to make a close approach early Monday morning.
COVID-19 Update 17 September
Today there were 626 test results received by the Ministry of Health, and none were positive for COVID-19.
Bermuda has had 178 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:
- there are 5 active cases, who are
- all under public health monitoring, and
- none are hospitalized or in critical care;
- a total of 164 have recovered,
- the total deceased remains 9, and
The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 57 and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 10 to 101 years.
Bermudian Status – Section 19
Bermudian Status – Section 19A
Permanent Resident’s Certificate – PRC 31B
Minister of Education Press Statement – Sept 16
All public pre, primary, middle and senior schools, in addition to DAME and Success Academy will be open for our students tomorrow, Thursday, September 16th, 2020.
All students are to report to school in uniform, at 8:30 am, ready to participate in the entry screening, which involves taking temperatures and responding to four COVID-19 questions.