Parents Urged to Speak to Their Children About Behaviour in Public After School Hours

The Department of Education is urging parents across the Island to ensure that their school age children do not engage in anti-social behaviour after school.

This, after a store owner wrote to a few schools expressing concern over students’ behaviour.

One of the school leaders responding to the store owner was Dellwood Middle School Principal, Trina Cariah.

The collaboration led to a temporary ban of Dellwood Middle School students from the store.

Parents Urged to Speak to Their Children About Behaviour in Public After School Hours Read More

Health Concern: Dangers of Vaping in Young People

“The alarming rise in vaping among young people and the associated risks is a concerning public health issue,” warned Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “We have noticed how accessible e-cigarettes and similar devices are in our community and are warning parents and guardians that vaping is unsafe and has a detrimental impact on young people’s health and well-being.”

Health Concern: Dangers of Vaping in Young People Read More

World Teachers’ Day

“Today, I join Ministerial colleagues and Governments here and around the world to acknowledge World Teachers’ Day,” said the Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo V. Rabain, MP, JP.

“We cannot and will not underestimate the instrumental role teachers play in transforming learning and schooling for Bermuda’s children and young people and our country. I encourage all young people, parents and guardians and members of the Bermudian community to acknowledge and thank a teacher today.”

World Teachers’ Day Read More

EMO Update on Tropical Storm Philippe

The Emergency Measures Organisation (EMO) executive met today to further assess Tropical Storm Philippe’s impact.

As of the Bermuda Weather Service advisory at 12 p.m. today, a Tropical Storm Warning remained in effect. Philippe was located around 410 nautical miles to the south of the Island, moving north at 10 knots (11 miles per hour).

The storm had maximum sustained winds of 45 knots (51 miles per hour) with gusts to 55 knots (63 miles per hour).

EMO Update on Tropical Storm Philippe Read More

Update on Work Permit Applications

The Department of Immigration (DOI) is pleased to provide updates on work permit applications.

DOI can advise that all submissions, including those made before September 20th, are still being processed, and while documents cannot be printed, employers will be informed of any decision.

Meanwhile, all work permit applications must continue to be submitted via DOI’s Dropbox on the first floor of the Government Administration Building, Parliament Street, Hamilton.

Update on Work Permit Applications Read More

Benefits for Financial Assistance Recipients

“This Government remains committed to providing support that enables members of our community to meet their basic needs,” said Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward. “On occasion, this requires the benefits afforded to Financial Aid recipients be assessed and at times increased to better reflect the cost of living in Bermuda to support over 2,000 recipients on Financial Assistance which include seniors, disabled, low-earners and abled-bodied recipients.”

Benefits for Financial Assistance Recipients Read More

Postponement of Gombey Festival

The public is advised that due to the forecast unsettled weather conditions in the coming days, a decision has been made to postpone this Saturday’s Gombey Festival Showcase.

The event will now take place on Saturday, October 21, 2023.

A Department of Culture spokesperson advised that this annual event requires significant resources and infrastructure, which cannot be set up during the anticipated wind and rain, which are expected later this week.

Postponement of Gombey Festival Read More

Public Urged To Maintain Hurricane Preparedness as Forecasters Keep a Close Eye on Tropical Storm Philippe

The Ministry of National Security and the Bermuda Weather Service (BWS) are monitoring Tropical Storm Philippe, located northeast of the Caribbean’s Leeward Islands. 

Philippe is considered a threat to the Island. The BWS anticipates that Philippe will gradually move toward the southeast of Bermuda by later this week.

The storm is expected to strengthen into a category 1 hurricane as it nears our general vicinity this week, and residents must remain vigilant as storms are unpredictable and can change course.

Public Urged To Maintain Hurricane Preparedness as Forecasters Keep a Close Eye on Tropical Storm Philippe Read More

Government Clarifies Taxes Related to Fuel Adjustment Rate

The Ministry of Home Affairs wishes to clarify the government taxes related to the fuel adjustment rate (FAR).

The Ministry can advise that there has been no fuel tax increase by the Government for many years, and at present, only 4 cents of the FAR represents government taxes. Also, under law, the Government has no direct involvement in setting the rate of the FAR.

Government Clarifies Taxes Related to Fuel Adjustment Rate Read More

The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors and Charities Join Forces to Launch Community Perceptions Survey on Homelessness

“Homelessness is a pressing issue that affects our community, and this survey aims to gather valuable insights and perspectives from the public to inform our strategies and actions. This survey marks a significant step in our shared commitment to addressing homelessness and making Bermuda a better place for all,” stated Minister of Social Development and Seniors Tineé Furbert, JP, MP. 

The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors and Charities Join Forces to Launch Community Perceptions Survey on Homelessness Read More

Cabinet Approves Dr Robbie Smith as Sargasso Sea Commissioner

The Cabinet has approved the appointment of Dr. Robbie Smith and Sen. Wilfred Moore as the new international experts to the Sargasso Sea Commission.

The Sargasso Sea Commission, established by the Hamilton Declaration on Collaboration for the Conservation of the Sargasso Sea, was signed in Bermuda on March 11, 2014. Its formal role is to act as the Steward of this iconic high seas ecosystem and to keep its health, productivity, and resilience under review, as well as to develop safeguard measures for its conservation.

Cabinet Approves Dr Robbie Smith as Sargasso Sea Commissioner Read More

Update on Bermuda International Airport Firefighters

Mr. Speaker, since my last statement to this Honourable House on this matter, I am pleased to report that our twenty-three (23) local recruit firefighters that travelled to Newcastle U.K. on the 05th August 2023 for six weeks to receive specialist training, successfully completed their foundational training course qualifying them as aircraft rescue firefighters.

Update on Bermuda International Airport Firefighters Read More

Cyber-Attack Update from Premier David Burt JP, MP

Good afternoon,

It has been one week since the Government of Bermuda experienced a sophisticated and deliberate cyberattack. Since last Thursday’s discovery and confirmation of the attack, impacted government systems are slowly and efficiently being restored.

Additionally, as I mentioned in Monday’s press conference, the Government is building a new network with enhanced protection and security to mitigate the risk of future attacks.

It is important to reiterate that not all government systems were impacted during this attack.

Cyber-Attack Update from Premier David Burt JP, MP Read More

Update on Services from the Department of Immigration

The Department of Immigration (DOI) is pleased to provide an update on services.

 DOI can advise that there have been no issues around work permit holders arriving without proof of a work permit. However, work permit holders who arrive without evidence of a work permit will be allowed to land for one day, and their employer is advised to contact the Chief Immigration Officer or Assistant Chief Immigration Officer.

Update on Services from the Department of Immigration Read More

The Office of the Registrar of Companies Update

The Office of the Registrar of Companies (“RoC”) advises all stakeholders of the contingency plan that has been temporarily implemented until such time as the government network services are restored.

Email Correspondences

Please note that all email addresses are down. Alternative email addresses are provided below.  Please ensure the subject line of all correspondences includes the entity name and registration number, and any reference code previously supplied to the RoC for economic substance submissions. 

The Office of the Registrar of Companies Update Read More

Update 4 on Cyber-incident

In continuation of our previous communication regarding government services impacted by the recent cyber incident, here is today’s update.

The Government email system and switchboard remain out of service.

The Department of Labour

· Labour Relations Officer’s (“LRO”) have cell phone access. Office phones were operational this afternoon.

· Clients may contact the office using the following numbers:

297-7716 – Office number

707-5437 – LRO

707-0673 – LRO

707-5444 – LRO/Tribunal Administrator

707-1593 – Manager

Update 4 on Cyber-incident Read More

Ministry of Health Update on Cyber-Incident

We are pleased to provide an update from the Ministry of Health.

Anyone trying to reach the Ministry of Health Accounts Section can contact 799-1523. To reach the office of the Chief Medical Officer, please call 7991522.  Fax – 296-3283

The Ministry of Health Accounts will continue to accept cash and cheque payments for the Sylvia Richardson Care Facility and Lefroy House Care Community customers at the Ministry of Health headquarters.

Temporary phone list for the public to access Department of Health services.

Ministry of Health Update on Cyber-Incident Read More

Update 3 on Cyber-Incident

In continuation of our previous communication regarding government services impacted by the recent cyber incident, here is today’s update.

The Government email system and switchboard remain out of service.

Given the Department of Planning’s telephones are currently not working. At present, building, electrical and elevator inspections continue. Please contact the following mobile numbers for building inspections:

Update 3 on Cyber-Incident Read More

Message from Premier on Cyber Incident

Premier and Finance Minister David Burt expressed his gratitude today: “I extend my thanks to the dedicated Government Public Officers who have been tirelessly crafting solutions to address the challenges posed by our recent cyber-attack. I also want to express my appreciation to the local banks for their unwavering commitment in collaborating with the Ministry of Finance to ensure timely payment for our public officers.”

Arrangements have been made to ensure that our financial assistance clients and public officers who are paid monthly will be paid at the end of the month.

Message from Premier on Cyber Incident Read More

Statement from Senator Owen Darrell regarding Bermuda’s Anti-Doping Agency Compliance Status

The Bermuda Government is committed to providing a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) compliant and clean competition platform for our athletes. The recent decision by WADA to label Bermuda as non-compliant is disappointing; however we are working closely with WADA technical officers in both the Latin American Regional Office and in WADA Headquarters.

Statement from Senator Owen Darrell regarding Bermuda’s Anti-Doping Agency Compliance Status Read More

August PSEA Media Release

This week (Sept. 18), the Premier recognized Michael DeLeon, Operations Manager at the Department of Public Transport, as the recipient of the August Public Service Excellence Award (PSEA).

As the community is aware, the PSEA is a programme that recognizes Public Officers who are demonstrating admirable service delivery. Each month an individual or team is selected for their significant accomplishments in the last 60 days.

August PSEA Media Release Read More

Hurricane Nigel Advisory

Earlier today, the Ministry of National Security convened an Emergency Measures Organisation (EMO) meeting to assess the current status of Hurricane Nigel.

Following the 12noon forecast from the Bermuda Weather Service (BWS) Hurricane Nigel is not considered to be a threat to Bermuda at this time. Nigel’s closest point of approach to Bermuda is forecast to be around 508 nautical miles to the east at 9.00 pm on Tuesday September 19, 2023. 

Hurricane Nigel Advisory Read More