Virtual Town Hall

As a follow up from Friday’s House of Assembly announcements, Premier David Burt will host a virtual Town Hall meeting tomorrow (Feb. 8), to further discuss the changes to the Public Health Emergency regulations.

The Premier will be joined by the Minister of Health, Kim Wilson and the Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Dr. Ernest Peets.

Virtual Town Hall Read More

COVID-19 Update 7 February 2022

“Sadly, Bermuda has recorded another coronavirus related death,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “I extend sincere condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of the deceased.”

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received 5142 test results, and 137 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 2.7%.

These results are from testing done on:

§  Wednesday:  38 positive out of 1221 results (3.1% positivity)

§  Thursday: 45 positive out of 1425 results (3.2% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 7 February 2022 Read More

Minister Ming Response to Stabbing Incident

The Minister of National Security, the Hon. Renee Ming, JP, MP, after visiting the scene of the stabbing incident on Parson’s Road yesterday morning, said, “I am shocked and outraged at what is the second violent attack on a person to take place this week.

“While I am glad that this stabbing incident has not resulted in an unspeakable tragedy, I want to convey to the young man and his family, you are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

Minister Ming Response to Stabbing Incident Read More

A Bill entitled the “Matrimonial Causes (Faultless Divorce) Amendment Act 2022”

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to lay before this Honourable House the Bill entitled “Matrimonial Causes (Faultless Divorce) Amendment Act 2022”. This Bill amends the Matrimonial Causes Act 1974, to reform the current legal process for obtaining a divorce, nullity of marriage or judicial separation; and for related matters.

A Bill entitled the “Matrimonial Causes (Faultless Divorce) Amendment Act 2022” Read More

Gang Violence Update

Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning to provide an update to this honourable house on the issue of gangs in Bermuda.

Mr. Speaker, you will recall that I provided a statement to this Honourable House some three months ago where I addressed a number of matters relating to gangs in Bermuda including the root causes, our existing gang violence reduction programmes, proposed programmes and our multi Ministry approach. At that time, I did not speak to gang numbers or enforcement but will do so today as well as provide an update on the Gang Violence Reduction Team’s programs.

Gang Violence Update Read More

Bermuda Government’s Position on Mandatory Vaccinations and Layoff Practices

Good day to all members of the media and the listening public. 

Today I would like to address a number of concerns reported to the Ministry of Labour from employees and members of the public about mandatory vaccinations within the workplace and the perceived treatment of Bermudian employees as it pertains to layoffs.

Employees, and their representatives, from various industries, have voiced concern that many employers are laying off Bermudian employees at a rate disproportionate to that of Work Permit holders. 

Bermuda Government’s Position on Mandatory Vaccinations and Layoff Practices Read More

Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme (BOPP) Releases Report on the State of Bermuda’s Marine Waters

The Government of Bermuda, as part of the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme (BOPP), is releasing a public report titled, “The State of Bermuda’s Marine Waters: A Snapshot of Bermuda’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from the Coastline to 200nm.” This comprehensive report, developed in cooperation with the island’s leading scientists, industry experts, and resource managers, will help identify priorities for Bermuda’s future development

Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme (BOPP) Releases Report on the State of Bermuda’s Marine Waters Read More

Bermuda’s Involvement in Blue Shield

As a small island nation, having the resources to manage and enforce our protections has always been a challenge. However, the public will recall the announcement last November that Bermuda became the first Overseas Territory to join Blue Shield, soon bringing this to an end. 

During their visit this week, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the UK Blue Shield Team consisting of Mrs Kylie Bamford from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Mrs Joanna Stockill and Mr Andrew Deary, both from the Marine Management Organisation.

Bermuda’s Involvement in Blue Shield Read More

Marine and Ports Update on Repairs to Rockaway Ferry Stop

The Department of Marine and Ports is advising commuters that the Rockaway Ferry Stop (Green Route) will remain closed for repairs. The ferry stop was closed in December 2021, while parts were sourced from overseas. The Ministry of Public Works has advised that parts and equipment have been shipped and will arrive in Bermuda within the next week. Barring any shipping delays, the work will be completed by the first week of March. 

With the exception of Rockaway, ferry services will continue on the Green Route to and from Watford Bridge and Cavello Bay ferry stops.

Marine and Ports Update on Repairs to Rockaway Ferry Stop Read More

COVID-19 Update 31 January 2022

“Sadly, Bermuda has recorded another coronavirus related death”, said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “I extend my deepest condolences to everyone associated with the deceased.”

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received 6199 test results, and 241 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 3.9%.

These results are from testing done on:

§  Wednesday:  80 positive out of 1823 results (4.4% positivity)

§  Thursday: 66 positive out of 1767 results (3.7% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 31 January 2022 Read More

The Bermuda Health Council to support the Bermuda Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory (BMDRL)

(Hamilton, Bermuda – Friday, January 31 2022) – The Cabinet Office today announced that the Bermuda Health Council would continue to provide support to transition activities at the Bermuda Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory (MDL), in accordance with the Bermuda Health Council Act 2004.

The Bermuda Health Council to support the Bermuda Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory (BMDRL) Read More