Registration Opens for Bermuda Public School Open House Events

The Department of Education today announced that parents and guardians can now register to attend open houses for preschools, primary schools, and middle schools.

The open houses will take place virtually using the ZOOM app, and attendees must sign up by midnight before the scheduled open house event. Those who sign up before the midnight deadline will receive the meeting link and other details from the school directly.

Open Houses will be recorded and uploaded to the Bermuda Public Schools YouTube Channel. (Subscribe now to get a notification!)

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September 2021 RSI

Today, the Cabinet Office released the September 2021 Retail Sales Index (RSI).

September’s retail sales fell 3.8% compared to last year. In value terms that represented an estimated $95.5 million compared to last year (September 2020).

September’s retail sales activity saw increases in motor vehicle sales, which grew by 18.7% due to a higher number of cars being sold.

September 2021 RSI Read More

Ministry of Health Update

Sadly, the Ministry of Health can confirm that it has been notified of four COVID-19 related deaths.

It’s important to note that two of the deaths occurred in September and November, respectively, and are being reported following ongoing death certificate reconciliation.

This brings the total of confirmed COVID-19 related deaths to 110.

The other two deaths occurred during the week of December 20th, 2021.

Ministry of Health Update Read More

Return to School Testing

The Ministry of Education would like to remind parents and students to register for pre-return COVID testing, with negative results required to be submitted to allow for in-class learning on January 5th, 2022.

The Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain JP MP stated this morning, “The response from teachers and students who have already registered for their return to school tests is positive. Thus far, we have 362 educators and 2080 students registered for testing.

Return to School Testing Read More

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Tribute

“A fearless visionary.” said Acting Premier Diallo Rabain today in paying tribute to the legacy of the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

“The international outpouring of love and admiration is simply incredible as the world remembers this humble man who led a movement founded in his Christian faith. He never failed to speak truth to power and his moral compass never wavered, irrespective of who wielded that power. Archbishop Tutu’s life is a powerful example of the strength and conviction needed to effect change and achieve justice.”

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu Tribute

“A fearless visionary.” said Acting Premier Diallo Rabain today in paying tribute to the legacy of the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

“The international outpouring of love and admiration is simply incredible as the world remembers this humble man who led a movement founded in his Christian faith. He never failed to speak truth to power and his moral compass never wavered, irrespective of who wielded that power. Archbishop Tutu’s life is a powerful example of the strength and conviction needed to effect change and achieve justice.”

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Minister of Transport, Acting Minister of National Security Statement Following 17th Road Fatality

Following the release of the identity of the 17th road traffic fatality of 2021, The Minister of Transport and Acting Minister for National Security, the Hon. Lawrence Scott, JP, MP, said, “On behalf of both the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of National Security, I want to extend my most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mr Dennis Saunders.” 

Minister of Transport, Acting Minister of National Security Statement Following 17th Road Fatality Read More

Clarification Re: KBB Press Release – Christmas Day at Elbow Beach

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Works wishes to clarify a statement issued in error by the Government earlier today on behalf of Keep Bermuda Beautiful, which detailed plans for managing trash at Elbow Beach and arranging for parking at a nearby hotel property for the customary Elbow Beach Christmas Celebrations.

The Ministry apologises for any inconvenience caused and can now advise that due to the recently implemented public health measures, the parking and other volunteer support indicated in the previous release will no longer be available.

Clarification Re: KBB Press Release – Christmas Day at Elbow Beach Read More

Premier’s Christmas Message 2021

Season’s Greetings Bermuda.

The Season of Advent is marked by themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. As this year of 2021 draws to a close, each of these themes has a special meaning in our community.  

This year our patience, faith and general well-being have all been tested. We’ve had to define a new normal while facing the challenges of waves of coronavirus cases, changing restrictions and new variants.

Premier’s Christmas Message 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update 23 December 2021

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received 5,849 test results and 97 were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 1.6%.

These results are from testing done on:

  • Sunday: 21 positive out of 1,534 results (1.4% positivity)
  • Monday: 37 positive out of 2,307 results (1.6% positivity)
  • Tuesday: 39 positive out of 2,008 results (1.9% positivity)

Sixty-seven (67) of the new cases are classified as imported with history of travel in the previous 14 days.

COVID-19 Update 23 December 2021 Read More

Curfew and Exemptions

The Acting Minister of National Security Lawrence Scott advised that as of 12.30 am on Friday 24 December; a curfew will be in effect every night from 12.30 am – 5.00 am until 20 January 2022 under the Public Health (Covid-19 Emergency Powers) (Phased Re-Opening) Amendment (No. 11) Regulations 2021.

The Bermuda Police Service, assisted by Reserve Police Constables, will stop vehicles, check for approved exemptions for those out during the curfew period, and issue fixed penalty notices where applicable.

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Collaborative Recruitment Drive

Yesterday, (December 21, 2021) Acting Premier and Minister of Education the Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP MP, visited the BTA and Bermuda Workforce Development’s collaborative Recruitment Drive at Hamilton Princess.

Minister Rabain stated, “I was pleased to see that there were over 780 people pre-registered for the event. This government is committed to getting the economy back on track, and events such as these which support employment opportunities for our residents are very positive.

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Technology Innovation is alive and well in Bermuda

On Monday December 13th, the Economic Development Department (EDD) held its first Leadership Innovation Awards reception to celebrate individuals and entities who in the past year continued to capitalise on technology to create solutions.

The Minister for the Cabinet Office, the Hon. Wayne Furbert and the Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain were also in attendance at the event, which was safely hosted, and presented awards to the winners.

Technology Innovation is alive and well in Bermuda Read More

COVID-19 Briefing Minister of Youth Culture and Sport’s Remarks 21 December 2021

Good day Bermuda,

These have been very trying times for many sectors in our community. Cultural and sporting events have been severely impacted and it is very disheartening to me, personally, to have to consider further restrictions to already stretched sectors that are so important to Bermuda’s social, mental and physical well-being.

My Ministry fully appreciates the health and social benefits of sportand culture, and their importance. Nevertheless, we must balance this with the country’s need to ensure everyone’s safety.

COVID-19 Briefing Minister of Youth Culture and Sport’s Remarks 21 December 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Briefing Minister of Health’s Remarks 21 December 2021

Good afternoon Bermuda.

As we reported yesterday, since the last update for testing completed through 18 December, the Ministry of Health received 8,342 test results and 102 were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 1.2%.

This brought the total number of active cases to 152, with 151 under public health monitoring and 1 person in hospital. Unfortunately, testing completed on 19 December resulted in 21 more positive cases.

Where variant typing is available, the majority of our positive cases are now Omicron.

COVID-19 Briefing Minister of Health’s Remarks 21 December 2021 Read More