General Post Office to Open Saturdays

The Bermuda Post Office is pleased to announce that effective November 6th, 2021until further notice, the Parcel Post section of the General Post Office in Hamilton will be opened from 8 am to 12 noon on Saturdays. 

This change will enable the post office to serve the general public better and increase our customer service offerings, including the pick-up and delivery of express, parcel mail, and other related services. 

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COVID-19 Update 29 October 2021

“Sadly, Bermuda has recorded another coronavirus related death. I extend my sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased,” said the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP.

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received 3855 test results, and ten were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.3%.

•        Tuesday: 5 positive out of 2058 results (0.2% positivity)

•        Wednesday: 5 positive out of 1797 results (0.3% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 29 October 2021 Read More

Update on Harbour Road Repairs

The Ministry of Public Works advises the public that repairs to the section of Harbour Road located between Highwood Lane and Lover’s Lane in Paget continue to face significant delays. 

Initial delays resulted from long stretches of bad weather, and the work permitted only during low ocean tides. Now over the last month, delays are resulting from a property dispute.

The management team at Public Works are discussing the matter with the landowners, and following a resolution, the work is expected to continue.

Update on Harbour Road Repairs Read More

BPO Offers Drop-and-Deliver Service

As the Bermuda Post Office (BPO) continues to modernise and reinvent itself by offering services needed by local businesses, the Ministry for the Cabinet Office is pleased to advise the public that the BPO is now offering a Drop-and-Deliver Service. This service will further enhance those offered and allow local businesses to use the BPO to deliver products to their clients in Bermuda and overseas.  

BPO Offers Drop-and-Deliver Service Read More

COP26 and Climate Change Competition Winners

Good day to all members of the media and the listening public. 

You will recall my October 13 invitation to our young students to share their thoughts on the issue of climate change with an international audience. I set out a challenge to students 18 years of age and younger to submit written pieces up to 100 words, picture and graphic, or video up to 60 seconds on one of the following topics:

• Biodiversity

• Marine Environment

• Land Sustainability

• Climate Resilience or 

• Emissions.

COP26 and Climate Change Competition Winners Read More

Air Service Development – Boston Route

Good morning members of the media,

Recently there has been a focus on the announcement by an air carrier that they will not be servicing the Boston route this winter.

I know that many of our residents depend on this route for business and personal reasons. Not having this non-stop service will inconvenience many, especially those who frequent the area for access to medical treatment and universities.   

Air Service Development – Boston Route Read More

COVID-19 Update 27 October 2021

“Sadly, Bermuda has recorded two more coronavirus related deaths. I extend my sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased,” said the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP.

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received 3450 test results, and 12 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.3%.

•        Sunday: 2 positive out of 1631 results (0.1% positivity)

•        Monday: 10 positive out of 1819 results (0.5% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 27 October 2021 Read More

Return to Sports Update – Remarks by The Hon. Ernest Peets JP, MP

Good day; thank you for joining me.

As I believe you know, the Government and I, personally, are fully committed to sport. And we are doing everything possible to allow both local and international activities to resume safely.

Local sport, in particular, is extremely important to our social, physical and mental wellbeing, as well as our sporting aspirations nationally. We recognize this and we strive to balance the benefits of sport with the need to keep the population safe during the current pandemic.

Return to Sports Update – Remarks by The Hon. Ernest Peets JP, MP Read More

Remarks by The Hon. Renee Ming JP, MP 

Good Afternoon Bermuda.

Like most of Bermuda, my thoughts and prayers are with the families of those affected by last night’s incident.

I condemn the shootings at the Robin Hood Bar and Restaurant in the strongest possible terms. The callous and senseless acts of violence which occurred last night has no place in our society. This heinous act put so many people in harm’s way. 

Remarks by The Hon. Renee Ming JP, MP  Read More

Statements from Premier and Minister of National Security

The Minister of National Security, the Hon. Renee Ming, JP, MP this evening said, “I condemn the shootings at the Robin Hood Bar and Restaurant in the strongest terms. This heinous act put so many people in harm’s way. 

“My thoughts and prayers are extended to the victims and to their families as I call for calm across the island. 

“I implore those of you who may know something to say something. I encourage you to make contact with the Bermuda Police Service on 211 or 800-8477. We need your help to ensure those responsible are brought to justice.”

Statements from Premier and Minister of National Security Read More

Halloween Themed Bermudian Heartbeats Lecture Series

This Friday (Oct. 29) the Department of Culture will host a special Halloween themed Bermudian Heartbeats Lecture Series – “Haunting Bermuda: Chilling Stories from the Isles of Devils” A Film. 

Taking place via live stream at 8.00p.m., participants include: 

• Mr. John Cox, co-author Bermuda’s Favourite Haunts 

• Ms. Kristin White, author and tourguide of Haunted Histories 

• Mr. Alex Winfield, puppeteer; and 

• Mr. Rajai Denbrook, storyteller 

Halloween Themed Bermudian Heartbeats Lecture Series Read More

Bermuda Job Market Employment Briefs

I am joined by the Minister of Labour, the Hon. Jason Hayward, JP, MP, to discuss Bermuda’s filled jobs and workforce.

Today, I will highlight The Bermuda Job Market Employment Briefs report from the Department of Statistics, and Minister Hayward will speak to the continued effort of his Ministry to support, train and guide our workforce.

This latest edition of The Bermuda Job Market Employment Briefs examines employment changes from 2019 and 2020.

Bermuda Job Market Employment Briefs Read More

COVID-19 Update 25 October 2021

“Sadly, Bermuda has recorded another two coronavirus related deaths,” said the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.”

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received 5022 test results, and 13 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.3%.

These results are from testing done on:

•        Thursday: 8 positive out of 1753 results (0.5% positivity)

•        Friday: 2 positive out of 1837 results (0.1% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 25 October 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update 22 October 2021

“Bermuda has recorded one more coronavirus related death this week. I extend my sincere condolences to the family and friends who are mourning this loss,” said the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP.

Since the last update, the Ministry of Health received5419 test results, and 19 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.4%.

These results are from testing done on:

•        Monday: 1 positive out of 1615 results (0.1% positivity)

•        Tuesday: 8 positive out of 1759 results (0.5% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 22 October 2021 Read More