Minister Ming Remarks on Recent Stabbing Murder

“I wish to extend sincerest condolences to the family, loved ones and friends of Mr. Duane Gibbons, who sadly was the victim of a stabbing yesterday,” said the Minister of National Security, Renee Ming today. 

Minister Ming continued, “This is such a concerning and tragic death, and I urge anyone with any knowledge of Mr. Gibbons’ murder or any information about his movements or whereabouts prior to his death, to please help his family find justice by coming forward and assisting the Police with their inquiries.”

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DPT Advises Limited Bus Service

The Department of Public Transportation is advising commuters that bus services have been impacted due to staff shortages. There have been a significant number of cancellations this week, and the current expectation is that there will be additional cancelled routes tomorrow.

The Department recommends that commuters check the latest bus alerts on and plan to use alternative transportation wherever possible.   

DPT Advises Limited Bus Service Read More

COVID-19 Technical Briefing Minister of Health’s Remarks 15 September 2021

Good afternoon.

I begin my remarks today by offering sincere condolences to those who recently lost a family member, a friend, a neighbour or a colleague in circumstances related to the coronavirus.

And I ask everyone to keep in your prayers those persons currently in hospital with COVID-19 related illness.

The Ministry of Health received 2949 test results since the last update, and 150 were positive for COVID-19. This gives a test positivity rate of 5.1%.

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COVID-19 Update 15 September 2021

The Ministry of Health received 2949 test results since the last update, and 150 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 5.1%.

These results are from testing done on Monday, September 13th.

1 of the new cases is classified as imported with history of travel in the previous 14 days.

The additional 149 new cases are classified as either local transmission or remain under investigation. 

Additionally, since the last update, there have been 14 recoveries and one death.

There are 1083 active cases, of which:

COVID-19 Update 15 September 2021 Read More

Bermudian Status – Section 20B | Government of Bermuda

Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Labour, by the following person(s) for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 20B(2)(b) of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, (viz: a Commonwealth citizen not possessing Bermudian status, was ordinarily resident in Bermuda on 31st July, 1989; is a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of the grant to him by the Go
Bermudian Status – Section 20B | Government of Bermuda Read More

COVID-19 Update 14 September 2021

“It is with a heavy heart that tonight I am reporting another COVID related death,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “I extend heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.”

The Ministry of Health received 13,125 test results since the last update, and 412 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 3.1%.

These results are from testing done on:

●        Wednesday, September 8: 130 positive out of 2977 results (4.4% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 14 September 2021 Read More

June 2021 CPI Report

Today, the Ministry for the Cabinet Office released the June 2021 Consumer Price Index (CPI) publication from the Department of Statistics.

In summary, during June 2021 consumers paid 1.2 % more than they did in June 2020 for the basket of goods and services.

The Transport & Foreign Travel sector continues to be the largest contributor to the 12-month increase in the CPI (+7.7 %), as the average cost of airfares increased for a third consecutive month, rising 25.2 %.

June 2021 CPI Report Read More

Bermuda Arts Council Awardees

The Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, Dr. the Hon. Ernest Peets and the Bermuda Arts Council are pleased to announce the 2021 Bermuda Arts Council Student Grant recipients, with a total of $40,000 in funding being awarded to six aspiring Bermudian artists.

This year’s awardees are Naimah Frith, Zihaire Adams,  Nalani Dowling, Ravi Cannonier-Watson, Gherdai Hassell and DaeLyn Saint-Surin.

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Delays in Garbage Collection for Two Days: Monday September 13th and Tuesday September 14th

The Ministry of Public Works and the Department of Works and Engineering advise that the west end will experience delays in garbage collection today and tomorrow.  Due to a disruption in the labour force, revolving around the current COVID public health guidelines, outside agencies will assist with residential garbage collection.

Delays in Garbage Collection for Two Days: Monday September 13th and Tuesday September 14th Read More

COVID-19 Update 10 September 2021

The Ministry of Health received 6074 test results since the last update, and 192 were positive for the coronavirus, giving Bermuda a test positivity rate of 3.2%. 

Because of this growing outbreak and the current volume of coronavirus testing on the island, today’s results are from testing done on Monday and Tuesday only:

·         Monday: 65 positive out of 2465 results (2.6% positivity)

·          Tuesday: 127 positive out of 3609 results (3.5% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 10 September 2021 Read More

A Progress Report – Conduct Framework for the Financial Services Sector

Mr Speaker, the purpose of this Statement is to provide an update on the progress made to enhance the conduct framework for the financial services sector in Bermuda. The enhanced framework is intended to further develop existing conduct requirements to create fairer outcomes for customers as they engage with the banking sector.

A Progress Report – Conduct Framework for the Financial Services Sector Read More

Fifth Update on the Stimulus Programme

Good Morning, Mr. Speaker.

I rise today to provide this Honourable House with the fifth update on the Short-Term Stimulus Programme that was launched by the substantive Minister of Public Works, Lt. Col. David Burch on December 17th, 2020, with a maximum budget valued at BMD $13,385,000, where small to medium sized contractors were invited to participate in the opportunity to complete infrastructure projects around the island.

Fifth Update on the Stimulus Programme Read More

Invasive Alien Species Act 2021

Mr. Speaker, today I am tabling the Bill entitled the Invasive Aliens Species Act 2021; legislation that will greatly enhance the island’s biosecurity against the introduction and spread of pest species. 

Mr. Speaker, Invasive alien species, are “plants, animals, pathogens and other organisms that are non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health. In particular, they negatively impact local ecosystems and ecosystem functions through competition, predation, or transmission of pathogens”.  

Invasive Alien Species Act 2021 Read More

Ministry and Department of Education Update

Today Bermuda Public Schools commenced the first day of school for students.

Many schools began the day with energising remote assemblies and one-on-one lessons to welcome students to a new year of learning for the 2021-2022 academic year.

We are happy to share that by next week we will have Chromebooks in the hands of 1349 students from Primary 3 to Primary 6. These are devices that students will use for in-person or remote learning, and when doing assignments at home.

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Ministry and Department of Education Commencement of Academic Year 2021-2022 Update

The Ministry and Department of Education are focusing their efforts on the commencement of the academic year 2021-2022 on September 9th.

The Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP, shared, “We want parents to know that we recognise that the decision to start school remotely is not ideal. It is a difficult decision as it requires many parents and guardians to make personal and professional adjustments and sacrifices to support their child/ren(s) learning.”

Ministry and Department of Education Commencement of Academic Year 2021-2022 Update Read More

COVID-19 Technical Briefing Minister of Health’s Remarks 8 September 2021

Good afternoon.

I want to start by expressing my concern with the increase of positive coronavirus cases. There is a level of complacency and risky behaviour contributing to the spread of the virus in our community.

More and more people are not taking this seriously and not following public health guidelines and safety measures.

Households are mixing without considering how easily the virus can be transmitted, and mask-wearing is inconsistent.

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