Mrs. Deborah Thomas-Gilkes, Senior HR Business Partner, Department of Employee and Organizational Development has been appointed to act as Chief Employee and Organizational Development Officer, Department of Employee and Organizational Development from 7th September, 2021 to 24th September, 2021.

Bus Service Update Minister of Transport’s Remarks 16 August 2021

I am here to advise that the Ministry of Transport can confirm that there is a labour dispute between the Department of Public Transportation and the Bermuda Industrial Union’s Bus Division over the end of summer “pick of work” in preparation for the start of school on 9 September which is due to commence today, Monday, 16 August in accordance with Schedule 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Government of Bermuda and the Bermuda Industrial Union. 

“The Government has met its obligation under Schedule 10 of the Agreement.  

Bus Service Update Minister of Transport’s Remarks 16 August 2021 Read More

Minister of Social Development and Seniors Visits Dr. Cann Park Seniors Residence Complex

The Minister of Social Development and Seniors, the Hon. Tinee Furbert, JP, MP, recently visited Dr. Cann Park, the largest seniors residence complex for independent living in Bermuda. 

Minister Furbert was joined by Mr. John Barritt, Bermuda Housing Trust Chairperson, and Ianthia Wade, JP, MP, Ageing Well Chair. 

Minister Furbert shared, “Dr. Cann Park serves approximately 100 seniors, making it an extremely important pillar of stability for our senior population in Bermuda.

Minister of Social Development and Seniors Visits Dr. Cann Park Seniors Residence Complex Read More

COVID-19 Update Minister of Health’s Remarks 12 August 2021

Good afternoon.

The Ministry of Health received 4927 test results since the last update, and 18 were positive for COVID-19. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.4%. 

These results are from testing done on the following dates:

·         Monday, August 9: 8 positive out of 2354 results (0.3% positivity), and

·         Tuesday, August 10: 10 positive out of 2573 results (0.4% positivity)

2 of the new cases are classified as imported with details as follows:

COVID-19 Update Minister of Health’s Remarks 12 August 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update Minister of National Security’s Remarks 12 August 2021

Good afternoon,


I want to begin my remarks by thanking all of our enforcement and emergency agencies for their tireless work over the Cup Match holiday. Thankfully, the holiday weekend did not see any significant disturbances, road traffic incidents, or infringements of the COVID-19 regulations. And for that, we should all be grateful.

I will now provide a brief update on the Government Supervised Quarantine Facilities.

COVID-19 Update Minister of National Security’s Remarks 12 August 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update Premier’s Remarks 12 August 2021

Though we are a couple of weeks removed, it is my first opportunity to say that I hope everyone in Bermuda had a safe and enjoyable Cup Match holiday. It was a long-awaited celebration not only of our history and our culture but of the progress that we have made as a country against the coronavirus.

Such celebrations were not possible a year ago. However, with our strong testing regime, continually improving vaccination rate, and tools such as SafeKey, we have been able to see the return of Cup Match and other large outdoor events.  

COVID-19 Update Premier’s Remarks 12 August 2021 Read More

The Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Sport Celebrates the United Nations International Day of Youth

The Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Sport today joins the global observance of the United Nations International Day of Youth.

The Minister of Youth, Culture, and Sport, the Hon. Dr. Ernest Peets, JP, MP has expressed, “This Government is passionate about empowering and engaging Bermuda’s youth. Our vision is to develop and empower our youth by forming a unified approach to tackle the issues they face and provide them with the support to have positive and productive futures.

The Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Sport Celebrates the United Nations International Day of Youth Read More

Securing Permanency for Long-Term Residents Policy Paper Available Online

The Government of Bermuda has heard the concern from members of our community.

In response, it has taken the balanced, fair, and reasonable approach needed to allow Long-Term Residents to obtain a Permanent Resident Certificate by providing sensible solutions that resolve the identified problems. 

The Government has also improved upon the Repatriation and Mixed Status Families amendments made in 2020, supporting the principle that families should remain together. 

Securing Permanency for Long-Term Residents Policy Paper Available Online Read More

COVID-19 Update 10 August 2021

The Ministry of Health received 9495 test results since the last update, and 31 were positive for the coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.3%.

These results are from testing done on:

§  Thursday, August 5: 5 positive from 3015 test results (0.2% positivity)

§  Friday, August 6: 8 positive from 2509 test results (0.3% positivity)

§  Saturday, August 7: 12 positive from  2271 test results (0.5% positivity)

§  Sunday, August 8: 6 positive from 1700 test results (0.4% positivity)

COVID-19 Update 10 August 2021 Read More

The Minister of Social Development and Seniors Outlines Long-Term Care Needs of Bermuda’s Seniors

The Minister of Social Development and Seniors, the Hon. Tinee Furbert, JP, MP, today provided details on the long-term care needs of Bermuda’s seniors and loans that are available to seniors and persons with disabilities.

Minister Furbert shared, “The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors is developing a National Seniors’ Strategy that focuses on supporting Bermuda’s Seniors while enabling them to age well, with dignity and respect.

The Minister of Social Development and Seniors Outlines Long-Term Care Needs of Bermuda’s Seniors Read More

COVID-19 Update 6 August 2021

There were 7630 test results received by the Ministry of Health since the last update, and 25 were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 0.3%. 

These results are from testing done on:

·Monday: 7 positive out of 2252 results (0.3% positivity)

·Tuesday: 10 positive out of 2701 results (0.4% positivity)

·Wednesday: 8 positive out of 2677 results (0.3% positivity)

·Seven of the new cases are classified as imported with details as follows:

COVID-19 Update 6 August 2021 Read More