Ministerial Statement: Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2020

Mr. Speaker,

I am pleased today to submit to this Honourable House the annual report of the Human Rights Commission for the year ending 31st December 2020.

Mr. Speaker,

The Commission has a statutory remit to protect and promote human rights under the Human Rights Act, 1981. The Commission’s mandate is to both educate and promote the principles of non-discrimination and equality and to investigate and endeavour to settle allegations of discrimination.

Mr. Speaker, The Human Rights Commission is required to: 

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Ministerial Statement: Extending the Term for Financial Assistance of Abled-Bodied Unemployment Recipients

Mr. Speaker and the Honourable Members of the House, I rise today to inform you that the Government intends to extend the five (5) year limitation for a payment of an award to abled-bodied, unemployed recipients of Financial Assistance for an additional two years by amending Section 6A of the Financial Assistant Regulations 2004 (The “Regulations”). The amendment will also make this change retroactive, effective from April 1, 2021, in order to validate payments made since the beginning of the 2021/22 fiscal year. 

Mr. Speaker,

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SafeKey Testing Available for Saturday’s Eastern Counties Match

This weekend’s Eastern Counties Match will take place at Sea Breeze Oval and will be a SafeKey event.

Anyone wishing to attend must be in possession of a valid SafeKey and a valid ID which will be checked to ensure the SafeKey is being used by the correct person.

Those who need to be tested to receive a SafeKey, and have not done so already, can get a coronavirus test tomorrow, 16 July, at the Clocktower Mall in Dockyard or at Bull’s Head Car Park, Hamilton from 10am-3pm.  

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Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory Opening – Premier’s Remarks

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the media:

Thank you for being here today as we celebrate the opening of the new Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory. I’m joined at this afternoon’s press conference by the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, Minister of Public Works, the Hon. David Burch and MDL Director and Government’s Scientific Advisor, Dr. Carika Weldon.

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Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory Opening – Minister of Public Works Remarks

Good Afternoon,

I am pleased to be joined by the Premier, the Honourable E. David Burt, Minister of Health, Honourable Kim Wilson, my Warwick colleagues Minister Lawrence Scott and MP Neville Tyrrell and Dr. Carika Weldon and members of the Bermuda Government Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory.

Molecular Diagnostic and Research Laboratory Opening – Minister of Public Works Remarks Read More

Premier’s Remarks Circle Press Conference

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the media. Thank you for your time today.

This afternoon I am pleased to be joined by the Minister of Finance, the Hon. Curtis Dickinson, Mr. Jeremy Allaire – Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Circle; Mr. Dante Disparte – Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Global Policy and Ms. Elisabeth Carpenter – Chief Operating Officer.

All of whom will address you today.

Premier’s Remarks Circle Press Conference Read More

NASA and Department of Energy to Host Free Virtual Events

The Department of Energy and the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) Invites Local Middle and High School Students and Teachers to Virtually Tour NASA and Attend the Northrop Grumman (NG-16) Education Launch Forum

The Department of Energy and the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) invites all local middle and high school students and teachers to participate in two exciting FREE virtual events.

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Chief Medical Officer: How Immunity Generated from COVID-19 Vaccines Differs from an Infection

To understand the difference between immunity after infection and immunity after vaccination, we need to understand the way the body reacts to a foreign body, in this case the SARS-COV-2 Virus. When a Virus enters the body, the Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) recognize it, engulf it and break it down to its components. These components are then expressed on the surface of the APC to activate a part of the immune system called T- Lymphocytes. 

Chief Medical Officer: How Immunity Generated from COVID-19 Vaccines Differs from an Infection Read More

COVID-19 Update Premier’s Remarks 13 July 2021

Good Evening Bermuda,

Our goal as a country is to move beyond the pandemic. Through sacrifice, cooperation, and hard work, we have steadily made progress towards that goal over the last few months. We have seen a reduction in local transmission, a reduction in hospitalisation where we currently have no one in the hospital with the coronavirus, and continued progress with our vaccination programme.

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COVID-19 Update Minister of Health’s Remarks 13 July 2021

Thank you Premier, and good evening everyone.

The Ministry of Health received 7733 test results since the last update, and four (4) were positive for COVID-19. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.05%. 

These results are from testing done on the following dates:

·         Thursday, July 8: 2 positive out of 2050 results (0.1% positivity)

·         Friday, July 9: 1 positive out of 1923 results (0.1% positivity)

·         Saturday, July 10: 0 positive out of 1950 results (0.0% positivity)

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Foster Families Receive Additional Support

The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors has announced an increase in the monthly stipends for traditional and kinship foster parents.

Effective May 1st, 2021 Bermuda’s traditional and kinship foster parents have received a 10% increase in their monthly stipends, and will receive another 10% increase effective May 1st, 2022, and thereafter CPI increases to ensure they stay in line with inflation. 

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