New Bermuda Housing Corporation General Manager

Good Afternoon,

I am pleased to be joined this afternoon by the Junior Minister of Public Works, Senator Owen Darrell, the Chairman of the Bermuda Housing Corporation, MP Vance Campbell, the General Manager of BHC – Major Barrett St. Vincent Dill and the General Manager Designate Mr. Paul Martin.

This occasion is coming a year later than originally planned as Major Dill gave us plenty of notice that he would retire in July 2020. In light of Covid and our request that he stay on for another year – he agreed with the understanding that there would be no further delay.

New Bermuda Housing Corporation General Manager Read More

Draft North East Hamilton Local Plan 2021

Good afternoon to all members of the media and the listening public. 

I am pleased to be here today at Dr E.F. Gordon Square to announce the creation of the Draft North East Hamilton Local Plan 2021 by the Department of Planning. I am joined here today by Senators Lindsay Simmons and also by the Director of the Department of Planning, Ms. Victoria Pereira and her team; Mr. Larry Williams, Mr. Paul Mcdonald and Mr. Kenny Campbell. 

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COVID-19 Update 2 July 2021

The Ministry of Health received 5967 test results since the last update, and two (2) were positive for COVID-19, giving a test positivity rate of 0.1%. 

These results are from testing done on Monday, June 28, 0 positive out of 1767 results (0.0% positivity). Tuesday, June 29, 2 positive out of 2027 results (0.1% positivity). Wednesday, June 30, 0 positive out of 2173 results (0.0% positivity).

Both of the new cases are classified as imported by two residents who arrived on British Airways BA 159 from London on June 29 2021, and tested positive on their arrival test

COVID-19 Update 2 July 2021 Read More

Cricket Update

The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport clarified that SafeKey remains in effect for League and County cricket games, however under revised parameters. 

Late this week, Minister Ernest Peets attended a meeting concerning local cricket. The Minister listened to the concerns and feedback shared regarding the resumption of League and County cricket games. 

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Ministerial Statement: Public Treasury (Administration and Payments) Amendment and Validation Act 2021

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to advise Honourable Members of the tabling today of the Public Treasury (Administration and Payments) Amendment and Validation Act 2021 (the Act). The amendments provide the Government with the legislative mechanism to set-off funds owed arising from benefit payments against future payments to  be made to individuals. The Act will also validate certain matters related to unemployment benefit payments effected during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Ministerial Statement: Public Treasury (Administration and Payments) Amendment and Validation Act 2021 Read More

Moving Bermuda’s Tourism Beyond the Pandemic

Mr. Speaker, if we were ever in any doubt as to the importance of tourism to this economy, the pandemic has shown just how critical tourism jobs are and the importance of economic activity created by tourism to Bermuda.

In the National Economic Report tabled in this Honourable House as part of this year’s debate on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, the Honourable Member, the Minister of Finance, set out a stark review of 2020’s economy generally and of the tourism economy in particular.

Moving Bermuda’s Tourism Beyond the Pandemic Read More

Development and Planning Amendment Act 2021

Mr. Speaker, later today, I will table the Bill entitled: the “Development and Planning Amendment Act 2021” [the Amendment Act], which seeks to amend the Development and Planning Act 1974 to (1) increase the protections to the environment while (2)streamlining the planning process. 

Mr. Speaker, I must reiterate the Government’s commitment to introduce sustainable planning legislation which will protect our delicate environment while streamlining measures tostimulate our economy, particularly our construction industry. 

Development and Planning Amendment Act 2021 Read More

Summer Water Shortage

Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on the state of Government water supply and distribution as we enter a period of high demand this summer.

The Bermuda Weather Service indicates that rainfall in Bermuda for the last couple of months is below usual levels. The combined precipitation for May 2021 and June 2021 was 6.66 inches, with 3.76 inches falling in one day. Based on the normal average rainfall per month of 5 inches, the total for the last two months is 34% below average. Simply put, the island is currently in a dry spell.

Summer Water Shortage Read More

National Sports Centre to Install Energy Savings Micro-grid System

Today the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport advised that the National Sports Centre (NSC) has entered into a partnership with a local company to create and install an energy savings micro-grid system at the facility.

The Ministry confirmed that following an exhaustive, transparent and comprehensive tender process that commenced in January 2018, which included Expressions of Interest submissions and Request For Proposals (RFP), Atlantic Energy Solutions Group (AESG) was the successful bidder for the project.

National Sports Centre to Install Energy Savings Micro-grid System Read More

Parish Primary School Proposal Decision Delay

The Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP, has released a statement to advise of a delay in the announcement of his decision regarding the proposal for parish primary schools.

Minister Rabain shared, “Initially, I indicated that the outcome of the consultation process would be communicated by the end of the current school year. However, during the consultation process, 20 public, parish, and stakeholder meetings were held, and I received 131 submissions of over 300 pages involving over 1000 unique consultees.”

Parish Primary School Proposal Decision Delay Read More

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport’s Remarks 29 June 2021

Good evening Bermuda,

For the purposes of this evening’s briefing, I will speak to the updated protocols for large group gatherings. As we advised the public recently, the responsibility for approving large group exemptions is now under my Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sport.

As of today (June 29), under the current Public Health Emergency measures legislation the maximum number of people allowed to gather is 100 persons. 

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport’s Remarks 29 June 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health’s Remarks 29 June 2021

Thank you Premier, and good evening everyone.

The Ministry of Health received 7048 test results since the last update, and four (4) were positive for COVID-19. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.1%. 

These results are from testing done on the following dates:

§  Thursday, June 24: 2 positive out of 2051 results (0.1% positivity) 

§  Friday, June 25:  0 positive out of 1902 results (0.0% positivity)

§  Saturday, June 26: 2 positive out of 1750 results (0.1% positivity)

§  Sunday June 27: 0 positive out of 1345 results (0.0% positivity)

COVID-19 Update – Minister of Health’s Remarks 29 June 2021 Read More

COVID-19 Update – Premier’s Remarks 29 June 2021

Good evening Bermuda,

I begin tonight by offering my heartfelt condolences to the families of Ra-Che Williams and Quan-Marley Lowe who lost their lives recently. It is saddening to lose any life in our community, but the loss of young life bears a special sorrow. 

While I know that my words alone are not enough to make up for the loss that the families and friends of these young men are dealing with, I wish for them to know that they are in our thoughts and in our prayers.

COVID-19 Update – Premier’s Remarks 29 June 2021 Read More

Minister Tinee Furbert Recognises Bermuda Pride organisation

The Minister of Social Development and Seniors, the Hon. Tinee Furbert, JP, MP, has issued a statement recognising the celebrations of Bermuda Pride, where there are celebrations of freedoms to be accepted for who you are. 

The Bermuda Pride organisation has provided education, advocacy, and leadership in support of LGBTQ+ community in Bermuda,” said Minister Furbert. 

“Bermuda Pride has made significant strides in representing the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, and I acknowledge the leaders in this community for displaying their bold and unwavering commitment.” 

Minister Tinee Furbert Recognises Bermuda Pride organisation Read More