Motorist banned from the roads | The Royal Gazette:Bermuda News

Local News From Every Source
“I fully get the anger and frustration – it is deserved, and I am sorry,” Premier David Burt regarding the $800,000 loan for a recording studio which has not been paid back, with the Premier adding “lessons have been learned from this episode and the Government has taken the necessary steps to ensure that protections […]
Dr Kyjuan Brown, the creator of Dr Brown’s Laboratory, announced the official release of a new dietary supplement for those looking to improve the health and vitality of their hair, skin, and nails, from the inside out. Seven months ago, Dr Brown, the Medical Director of Northshore Medical and Aesthetic Center [NMAC], began researching and […]
The OBA held another press conference yesterday [Sept 24], with candidates Vic Ball, Catherine Kempe, and Jon Brunson all delivering remarks. Vic Ball’s remarks: The real measure of a good society is the government’s ability to provide decent, affordable health care, a healthy environment and to protect its most vulnerable. Indeed, the term ‘vulnerability of […]
The Central Bus Terminal kiosk is “closed until further notice to allow for repairs to the kiosk’s air conditioning unit.” Last night, a government spokesperson said, “The Department of Public Transportation [DPT] is advising the public that the Central Bus Terminal kiosk closed today [Thursday, September 24th] at 4:00pm. “The temporary closure is to allow […]
Commissioner Stephen Corbishley appealed to the public to help a family “get their privacy back” after members of the public have been walking onto their private property to look at the damage it sustained in the recent hurricane. In an online post, Commissioner Corbishley said, “I have been contacted by the family who own the […]
Skyport has released the latest episode of ‘Taking Off’, a video series with host Mikaela Pearman that highlights the airport redevelopment project, with this episode highlighting their next phase to conduct a series of trials to test the new terminal. Speaking in the episode, Mikaela Pearman said, “As construction wraps up at the new passenger […]
Bowring Marsh announced that Mark Simons has rejoined the firm’s Financial and Professional Liability [FINPRO] Placement team in Bermuda as a Senior Vice President. A spokesperson said, “Bowring Marsh, the international placement specialist of Marsh, announced today that Mark Simons has rejoined the firm’s Financial and Professional Liability [FINPRO] Placement team in Bermuda as a […]
The Premier and First Division matches scheduled at Police Field, on Sunday [Sept 27] have been moved to the National Sports Centre. A spokesperon said, “Please be advised: The Premier and First Division matches scheduled at Police Field, on Sunday, September 27th, have been moved to the National Sports Centre, Main Stadium. Kick-off times will […]
September 24 saw 105,400 shares trade on the Bermuda Stock Exchange, valued at $406,190.00 BD. 5,400 shares were traded by Bermuda Aviation Services Ltd, closing up 4.5% at $1.15 per share, while the other 100,000 shares were traded by One Communications Ltd, closing even at $4.00 per share. The BSX finished at 1,731.67, up 0.01% […]
Jillian Terceira was back in action competing in the Azelhof CSI3*2*1*YH Lier International Jumping Event in Belgium. On the final day of the competition, Terceira competed in only one class. Taking to the ring in the 1.30m CSI1* Table A with a Jump-Off Class, Terceira and Mia Volo Vd Molendreef finished 19th. The pair had […]
The Department of Public Transportation (DPT) is advising the public that the Central Bus Terminal kiosk closed today (Thursday, September 24th) at 4:00pm.
The temporary closure is to allow for repairs to the kiosk’s air conditioning unit.
The Department of Public Transportation apologises to the public for the late notice and for any inconvenience this may cause.
An update regarding the reopening of the kiosk will be provided as soon as possible.
Today there were 787 test results received by the Ministry of Health, and none were positive for COVID-19.
Bermuda has had 181 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:
The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 56 and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 9 to 101 years.
Following a “chat & chew” event in July at which community clubs were hosted to discuss and identify areas of need, Premier the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, and the Minister of Community Affairs and Sports, the Hon. Lovitta Foggo, JP, MP, presented cheques to eight (8) local community organisations.
Cheques were presented today to:
Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club – $50,000
Boulevard Community Club – $12,500
Devonshire Colts Football Club – $12,500
Devonshire Recreation Club –$36,000
Harrington Workman’s Club – $50,000
There were 787 test results received today and none were positive for COVID-19, so the total of confirmed positive cases to date remains at 181, with 5 active cases, A Government spokesperson said, “Today there were 787 test results received by the Ministry of Health, and none were positive for COVID-19. “Bermuda has had 181 […]
“The Ministry will cross-reference and scrutinize all hospitality work permit applications in identified occupational categories to ensure unemployed Bermudians in the field are given opportunities to fill available posts,” Minister of Labour Jason Hayward said. Minister Hayward said, “Upon receiving the news of the decision to temporarily close one of Bermuda’s oldest hotels, the Fairmont […]
The public is reminded that entry for each night of the Taste of Bermuda event is via receipts totalling at least $25.00 from any City of Hamilton eatery. A spokesperson said, “The City of Hamilton’s Taste of Bermuda drive-through culinary experience is just two short weeks away. The event will feature three nights of food […]
The official Government and Legal notices for today [Sept 24] include lists of proposed planning applications, large group exemptions, acquisition of land, and acquisition of property. Ammended List Of Planning Applications Advertised On September 24, 2020 Notice Type: Government Notice Notice Sub Type: Notification of Planning Applications Registered Notice ID: GN0859/2020 Amended Notice ID: GN0858/2020 […]
Premier David Burt and the Minister of Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo presented cheques to eight local community organisations. A Government spokesperson said, “Following a “chat & chew” event in July at which community clubs were hosted to discuss and identify areas of need, Premier the Hon. David Burt, JP, MP, and the Minister […]
With an aim to expand the way they deliver their news to the community, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company is continuing to live stream their evening news programme online for viewers both on the island and abroad. The live video will begin at 7.00pm, and play to 7.30pm, and then the replay will be available: Related […]
The Minister of Labour, the Hon. Jason Hayward, JP, MP, provides a statement regarding the closure of Fairmont Southampton.
“Upon receiving the news of the decision to temporarily close one of Bermuda’s oldest hotels, the Fairmont Southampton, I feel it necessary to express my concern regarding the large scale redundancies that will occur.”
“While I understand management’s rationale to close for renovations at this time, this will undoubtedly have an impact on the future of many hotel employees and those in the hotel’s service supply chain.”
Good day to members of the media and the listening public. Thank you for your attendance and for watching this press conference.
The public will know that this Government is committed to improving the Financial Assistance system that currently helps those in the community who require financial support to meet their basic needs.
Friday, September 25 is expected to see a mix of sun and cloud, with the high to be near 27°C/80°F and the low to be near 23°C/73°F, according to the Bermuda Weather Service. Winds are expected to be east. The relative humidity is expected to be near 64%. Sunrise will be at 7.09am and sunset […]
On Monday, September 28, the Minister of Community Affairs and Sports, the Hon. Lovitta Foggo, JP, MP, will host the premiere film screening of “Louis Rafael ‘Kid’ Corbin: Breaking Golf’s Colour Line in America, Canada, and Bermuda”.
The 20-minute short documentary explores the contributions of the Bermudian golfer Louis Raphael “Kid” Corbin, who led the charge against segregation in golf. The documentary features interviews with Dr. Jeffrey Sammons, Mr. Kim Swan JP, MP, and Mr. Corbin’s relatives. Mr. Swan will be available for questions following the screening of the film.
On Tuesday, September 22, 2020 the Bermuda Cabinet approved the appointment of three International Experts to the Sargasso Sea Commission.
The Sargasso Sea Commission was established by the Hamilton Declaration on Collaboration for the Conservation of the Sargasso Sea, signed in Bermuda on March 11, 2014. The Commission celebrated its five year anniversary last year with a workshop held at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences in March 2019.
The Bermuda Cabinet approved the appointment of three international experts to the Sargasso Sea Commission on Tuesday [Sept 22]. A spokesperson said, “On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, the Bermuda Cabinet approved the appointment of three International Experts to the Sargasso Sea Commission. “The Sargasso Sea Commission was established by the Hamilton Declaration on Collaboration for […]