Weather Forecast For Friday November 27
Friday, November 27 is expected to start sunny, clouding over as a few showers develop, with the high to be near 23°C/74°F and the low to be near 20°C/68°F, according to the Bermuda Weather Service. Winds are expected to be NNE. The relative humidity is expected to be near 82%. Sunrise will be at 6.59am […]
Covid-19: One new case off flight from Atlanta
Covid-19: 853 Results Received, One Positive
There were 853 test results received and one was positive for Covid-19 — which is classified as imported – so the island now has 26 active cases. A Government spokesperson said, “There were 853 test results received by the Ministry of Health yesterday [25 November 2020], and one was positive for COVID-19. “The new case […]
Minister Asks Police To Provide Notice To Public
“I’ve communicated with the police leadership that when they intend to hold such training exercises that will have a community impact, they must provide clear and ample notification to the public,” Minister of National Security Renee Ming said. This follows after last night’s police exercises, which involved a number of loud bangs, and resulted in […]
Duffy Withdraws From PTO 2020 Championship
Flora Duffy has withdrawn from the Professional Triathletes Organization [PTO] 2020 Championship, which is set to be held in Daytona Beach, Florida in December. Duffy, a multiple time world champion, posted the image below on Instagram and said, “New bike, new bars, new kit, new fit but no race. For a few reasons, I have decided to […]
Police asked to let public know about live firing exercises
Education Minister Host Fathers Speak Session
Recently, the Minister of Education, Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP hosted the third Fathers Speak session for fathers of students in the Bermuda Public School System. Fathers from across the island met at the Cedarbridge Academy Cafetorium to learn and discuss how to effectively communicate with their children.
Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain initiated the Fathers Speak series during the 2018-2019 academic year to encourage and provide fathers with an avenue to express their opinions and discuss topical subjects concerning the public education system.
Education Minister Host Fathers Speak Session
Recently, the Minister of Education, Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP hosted the third Fathers Speak session for fathers of students in the Bermuda Public School System. Fathers from across the island met at the Cedarbridge Academy Cafetorium to learn and discuss how to effectively communicate with their children.
Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain initiated the Fathers Speak series during the 2018-2019 academic year to encourage and provide fathers with an avenue to express their opinions and discuss topical subjects concerning the public education system.
Police & Coast Guard Training Exercise Today
The police and the Bermuda Coast Guard will be conducting a live training exercise on the water today [Nov 26]. A police spokesperson said, “Please be advised that the Bermuda Police Service will be conducting a live training exercise along with the Bermuda Coast Guard on the water throughout today.” Related Stories Magazine And Ammunition […]
Video: BIU President On Dock Workers Matter
Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] President Chris Furbert is holding a press conference today [Nov 26], and we will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 38-minute replay is below Related Stories Video: BUT Celebrating World Teachers’ Day Video: BIU President […]
Mountain Bike Racing Kicks Off This Sunday
Fat Tire Massive presents the 2020-2021 One Communications MTB Race Series, which kicks off this Sunday at the Arboretum. Sunday’s event is part of a seven-race series and is open to riders of all ages and abilities. Registration is online only at, closing at midnight on the Saturday before each race. There will be […]
Entrepreneurs win Horseshoe beach concession
UK Overseas Territories Minister resigns
Covid-19: Over 60 Million Cases Worldwide
While hope is on the horizon with news of upcoming vaccines, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect countries around the globe, with the number of confirmed cases worldwide now surpassing 60 million, with over 1,424,000 deaths worldwide, and the United States continuing to have the most confirmed cases and deaths in the world. A CNN story […]
Video: Minister David Burch Press Conference
[Updated] Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch is holding a press conference this morning [Nov 26] to provide an update on the Horseshoe Bay Beach Concession. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 21-minute replay is below Related Stories Horseshoe Bay Work Project Is 21% Complete Horseshoe Lifeguard Service Suspended Horseshoe Bay Closed […]
Minister Rabain Hosts Fathers Speak Session
Recently, the Minister of Education Diallo Rabain hosted the third Fathers Speak session for fathers of students in the Bermuda Public School System. Fathers from across the island met at the CedarBridge Academy Cafetorium to learn and discuss how to effectively communicate with their children. Minister Rabain initiated the Fathers Speak series during the 2018-2019 […]
Clarien To Donate 50 Meals For CEO’s 50th
In celebration of Clarien CEO Ian Truran’s 50th birthday today [Nov 26], Clarien will be donating 50 meals to the Family Centre’s clients this afternoon at 5pm. As a father of two, the Family Centre is a charity near and dear to Mr Truran’s heart – and for nearly 20 years now Clarien Bank has […]
Goslings Offers Papa Seal & New Promotion
Papa Seal Single Barrel Bermuda Rum is now available from Goslings, with an ongoing promotion offering the chance to “win one of five bottles of Papa Seal Rum and a behind the scenes tour of Goslings production facility in Hamilton.” A spokesperson said, “Papa Seal Single Barrel Bermuda Rum is an extremely rare release that […]
A Rhode Island-bound yacht made an unexpected return to the island last night after a crew member
Covid-19: Seventh hospital staff member tests positive
CG Insurance Office Temporarily Closes
CG Insurance said that as one of their employees has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, they will close their Reid Street office for the remainder of the week. A CG spokesperson reports, “It has come to our attention that a CG Insurance employee has been in contact with someone who has […]
Vessel Returns To Disembark Injured Person
On Wednesday night [Nov 25] a sailing vessel returned to Bermuda to disembark a crewmember who had a suspected dislocated shoulder. A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesperson said, “Bermuda Radio received a Marine VHF call from the 50ft Sailing Vessel Peekaboo, returning to Bermuda to disembark a crewmember whom sustained a suspected dislocated shoulder. “The […]
Helmet-less rider fined $1,500 for refusing breathalyser test
Local tennis mourns death of former New York mayor Dinkins
Senator questions how many College scholars graduate
It’s turkey time!
Education authority must be independent, says senator
Candles: Penny & Drum Release Holiday Scents
Penny & Drum announced the release of three new scents – Absinthe & Leather, Winter Hearth, and Peiskos – for the 2020 winter season. A spokesperson said, “This Friday, November 27th the Penny & Drum online store will go live with three new scents to compliment the winter season. The launch coincides with a 30% […]
Ball Hockey: Ringers & Liberty Mutual Win
The Bermuda Ball Hockey League season resumed at the PCC Hockey Rink with 14 goals scored in a doubleheader. Alexandra Mosher Diamond Ringers 6 Positive Image Dental 2 In the opener, the Alexandra Mosher Diamond Ringers defeated Positive Image Dental 6 – 2. The Alexandra Mosher Diamond Ringers jumped out to a 2 – 0 […]
Bacardi Asks Fans To Join In Conga Remake
Bermuda headquartered Bacardí rum is “challenging rum fans around the world to find their rhythm and do what moves them through song, dance and the power of “Conga” as part of its latest campaign, Conga Feat. You.” A spokesperson said, “Reimagining the song that catapulted Miami Sound Machine’s Emilio and Gloria Estefan to international stardom, Bacardí […]
Dec 10: Jump & Jingle Jump Rope Showcase
The Bermuda Jump Rope Federation’s [BDAJRF] will be hosting their “Jump & Jingle Jump Rope Showcase” on Thursday, December 10th at the Tennis Stadium. The event poster says, “Come and be amazed by the high flying dynamic jump and acrobatic skills of our Bermudian youth & adult jumpers! “Students from Jump 2B Fit school clubs […]
Police apologise for mistaken sound of gunshots
Police: ‘There Is No Truth To This Rumour’
The police said there is “no truth” to the rumour “circulating on social media suggesting that there was a shootout,” and noted that the police were conducting a training exercise which “involved a number of loud bangs which may have been heard.” A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is aware of a message circulating […]
ACTING APPOINTMENT: Privacy Commissioner
BFA Mourns Passing Of Diego Maradona
The Bermuda Football Association said they join the “global football family in mourning the passing of one of football’s most iconic personalities – Diego Maradona.” BFA President Mark Wade stated, “Today we learned of the passing of Diego Armando Maradona. His life took many turns; but he will be remembered for his displays in the […]
Photos: New Pathway At St Peter’s Church
One of Bermuda’s most significant Black heritage sites is now easier to experience thanks to a collaborative effort involving the Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] and St George’s stakeholders. A BTA spokesperson said, “The Black Graveyard is situated on the western side of Their Majesties Chappell, St Peter’s Church—the island’s 17th Century religious site, the oldest […]
Video: BNV Sports With BCB VP Kellie Smith
Kellie Smith — who was elected as the new Bermuda Cricket Board [BCB] Vice-President, becoming the first female to hold the post — joined host Earl Basden for the latest episode in the Bernews News & Views sports series. Ms Smith previously said, “To have the opportunity to be involved with the Bermuda Cricket Board at […]
Carla Seely Column: Financial Reality Check
[Written by Carla Seely] I, like about 90% of the world’s population, would quite happily see the door closing on 2020. I am tired of hearing the words – lockdown, COVID-19, elections, Brexit, 5G and all the conspiracies associated with them. There is no doubt that this year has been a tough year for almost […]
Man pleads not guilty to owning air rifle
Police require speaker mode to halt drink-driver
30 Minute Video: Nov 25 ZBM Evening News
With an aim to expand the way they deliver their news to the community, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company is continuing to live stream their evening news programme online for viewers both on the island and abroad. The live video will begin at 7.00pm, and play to 7.30pm, and then the replay will be available: Related […]
Domestic Abuse Survivor Aiming To Help Others
The Women’s A.C.T group is assisting in raising funds to cover the training costs for Kevah Outerbridge to undertake a facilitators’ training course on Domestic Violence & Abuse offered by the ‘Freedom Programme’ organization based in the United Kingdom. A spokesperson said, “Kevah Outerbridge is a Bermudian currently living in the United Kingdom. Kevah Outerbridge […]
Educators Have Conversation On Collaboration
[Written by Glenn Fubler] Seven educators from the public and private sectors gathered via Zoom on Monday [Nov 23] from 4pm, re-booting a conversation on optimizing collaboration across the Island to benefit all students. They included School Principals Linda Parker – BHS, Keisha Douglas – Berkeley, Kenneth Caesar – CedarBridge, Resheema Swan- Whitney. Also on […]